Feel++ Documentation Site UI

Multirepo SSG Platonem complectitur mediocritatem ea eos. Ei nonumy deseruisse ius. Mel id omnes verear. Vis no velit audiam, sonet praesent eum ne. Prompta eripuit nec ad. Integer diam enim, dignissim eget eros et, ultricies mattis odio.

Vestibulum consectetur nec urna a luctus. Quisque pharetra tristique arcu fringilla dapibus. Curabitur ut massa aliquam, cursus enim et, accumsan lectus. Mauris eget leo nunc, nec tempus mi? Curabitur id nisl mi, ut vulputate urna.

Labels for a Section


To create an edition label, use a span with the role edition. To create a status label, use a span with the role status.

To add edition and status labels at the start of a section or block, place the required spans in a single paragraph on its own. To add the "speech bubble tail" above the labels, the spans should be placed in a paragraph with the role labels.

Global document attributes are available to insert the content for an edition or status label. The global document attribute {enterprise} inserts the content for an enterprise edition label. The global document attribute {community} inserts the content for a community edition label.

If you need to place edition and status labels together, do not insert a space between them. In this case, you must use the "inline" span markup, i.e. delimit the spans with double hash marks ##…​##.

Labels for a Group of Paragraphs within a Section

Here is another section. Note that this section does not have any edition or status labels at the start.

You can use a sidebar without a title. This sidebar shows how you can use the inline label markup in a paragraph on its own to add an edition label or a status label to a collection of blocks which does not form a complete section.

(You should avoid mixing up a section-level labels and block-level labels within one section; it would get too confusing.)

Sidebars can contain admonitions.
  1. Here is a list within the sidebar.

  2. The edition label at the start of this sidebar clearly applies to the whole content of this sidebar.

Outside the sidebar again. The user can clearly see that the edition label within the sidebar does not apply to this paragraph.

Labels for an Individual Item

Here is another section. This section does not have any edition or status labels at the start.

  • This is the first item in a list.

  • COMMUNITY This is the second item in a list. This item is only applicable to community edition.

  • This is the third item in the list.

  • This is the last item in the list.

Syntax Highlighting

mpirun --bind-to core -np 10 feelpp_toolbox_fluid --case "github:{path:toolboxes/fluid/TurekHron}"
Run the CFD toolbox on the TurekHron benchmark
mpirun --bind-to core -np 10 feelpp_toolbox_fluid --case "github:{path:toolboxes/fluid/TurekHron}"

Cu solet

Nominavi luptatum eos, an vim hinc philosophia intellegebat. Lorem pertinacia expetenda et nec, wisi illud sonet qui ea. H20. E = mc2. Eum an doctus maiestatis efficiantur. Eu mea inani iriure.[1]

  "name": "module-name",
  "version": "10.0.1",
  "description": "An example module to illustrate the usage of package.json",
  "author": "Author Name <author@example.com>",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha",
    "lint": "eslint"
Example paragraph syntax
.Optional title
This is an example paragraph.
Optional title
This is an example paragraph.
Summary Spoiler Alert!


Loads of details.



Some Code

How about some code?

some cpp

auto g = []( int i ){ std::cout << i << std::endl; };
// call
g ( 10 );

some js

  .src('js/vendor/*.js', { cwd: 'src', cwdbase: true, read: false })
  .pipe(tap((file) => { (1)
    file.contents = browserify(file.relative, { basedir: 'src', detectGlobals: false }).bundle()
  .pipe(buffer()) (2)
1 The tap function is used to wiretap the data in the pipe.
2 Wrap each streaming file in a buffer so the files can be processed by uglify. Uglify can only work with buffers, not streams.

Execute these commands to validate and build your site:

$ podman run -v $PWD:/antora:Z --rm -t antora/antora \
$ podman run -v $PWD:/antora:Z --rm -it antora/antora \
  --clean \

Cum dicat putant ne. Est in reque homero principes, meis deleniti mediocrem ad has. Altera atomorum his ex, has cu elitr melius propriae. Eos suscipit scaevola at.


Eu mea munere vituperata constituam.

Input Output Example


puts "foo\nbar"

Here we just have some plain text.

plain text

Liber recusabo

Select File  Open Project to open the project in your IDE. Per ea Cancel inimicus. Ferri F11 tacimates constituam sed ex, eu mea munere vituperata Ctrl+T constituam.

Sidebar Title

Platonem complectitur mediocritatem ea eos. Ei nonumy deseruisse ius. Mel id omnes verear.

Altera atomorum his ex, has cu elitr melius propriae. Eos suscipit scaevola at.

No sea, at invenire voluptaria mnesarchum has. Ex nam suas nemore dignissim, vel apeirian democritum et. At ornatus splendide sed, phaedrum omittantur usu an, vix an noster voluptatibus.

Ordered list with customized numeration
  1. potenti donec cubilia tincidunt

  2. etiam pulvinar inceptos velit quisque aptent himenaeos

  3. lacus volutpat semper porttitor aliquet ornare primis nulla enim

Natum facilisis theophrastus an duo. No sea, at invenire voluptaria mnesarchum has.

Unordered list with customized marker
  • ultricies sociosqu tristique integer

  • lacus volutpat semper porttitor aliquet ornare primis nulla enim

  • etiam pulvinar inceptos velit quisque aptent himenaeos

Eu sed antiopam gloriatur. Ea mea agam graeci philosophia.

  • circles

    • circles

      • and more circles!

At ornatus splendide sed, phaedrum omittantur usu an, vix an noster voluptatibus.

  • todo

  • done!

Vis veri graeci legimus ad.


splendide sed


agam graeci

Let’s look at that another way.


splendide sed


agam graeci

At ornatus splendide sed.

Library dependencies
Library Version















Cum dicat putant ne. Est in reque homero principes, meis deleniti mediocrem ad has. Altera atomorum his ex, has cu elitr melius propriae. Eos suscipit scaevola at.

This oughta do it!

Cum dicat putant ne. Est in reque homero principes, meis deleniti mediocrem ad has. Altera atomorum his ex, has cu elitr melius propriae. Eos suscipit scaevola at.

You’ve been down this road before.

Cum dicat putant ne. Est in reque homero principes, meis deleniti mediocrem ad has. Altera atomorum his ex, has cu elitr melius propriae. Eos suscipit scaevola at.

Watch out!

I wouldn’t try that if I were you.

Don’t forget this step!

Key Points to Remember

If you installed the CLI and the default site generator globally, you can upgrade both of them with the same command.

$ npm i -g @antora/cli @antora/site-generator

Or you can install the metapackage to upgrade both packages at once.

$ npm i -g antora

Nominavi luptatum eos, an vim hinc philosophia intellegebat. Eu mea inani iriure.

Voluptua singulis

Cum dicat putant ne. Est in reque homero principes, meis deleniti mediocrem ad has. Ex nam suas nemore dignissim, vel apeirian democritum et.

Multirepo SSG
Figure 1. Antora is a multi-repo documentation site generator

Make the switch today!

Full Circle with Jake Blauvelt

English + 中文

Altera atomorum his ex, has cu elitr melius propriae. Eos suscipit scaevola at.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget leo nunc, nec tempus mi? Curabitur id nisl mi, ut vulputate urna. Quisque porta facilisis tortor, vitae bibendum velit fringilla vitae! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget leo nunc, nec tempus mi? Curabitur id nisl mi, ut vulputate urna. Quisque porta facilisis tortor, vitae bibendum velit fringilla vitae!

— Famous Person. Cum dicat putant ne.
Cum dicat putant ne. Famous Person Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

The fog comes
on little cat feet.


That’s all, folks!

1. Quisque porta facilisis tortor, vitae bibendum velit fringilla vitae! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.