Source code for Mordicus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__name__ = "Mordicus"
__copyright_holder__ = "Mordicus Consortium"
__copyright_years__ = "2018-2020"
__copyright__ = f"{__copyright_years__}, {__copyright_holder__}"
__license__ = "proprietary - TBD"
__version__ = "0.1"

[docs]def GetTestPath(): """ Help function to access the tests path of the library """ import os from pathlib import Path return os.path.normpath(str(Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)).parents[2]) + os.sep + "tests") + os.sep
[docs]def GetTestDataPath(): """ Help function to access the TestsData path of the library """ import os return os.path.normpath(GetTestPath() + "TestsData") + os.sep
[docs]def RunTestFile(srcFilePath): """ Help function to run the tests corresponding to a source file """ import os testFolder = GetTestPath() relPath = os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(srcFilePath), testFolder) testFile = os.path.join(testFolder, os.path.relpath(relPath, os.path.join("..", "src", "Mordicus"))) folderFile = os.path.dirname(testFile) os.chdir(folderFile) os.system( "python "+testFile)