Bibliography can be handled using partials in Antora. The following example shows how to include a bibliography in your documentation:
Create a partial file in the
directory. For example, create a file namedbib-<topic>.adoc
in thepartials
directory of your module. -
include the bibliography entries in the partial file.
Here is a ref to [ppam24] and [slurm_development_team_slurm_2024].
Ktirio References
[cemosis_ktirio_2024] Cemosis. Ktirio: The platform for building energy modeling and simulation. 2024. (
[hidalgo2_d31_2024] HiDALGO2. D3.1 Scalability, Optimization and Co-Design Activities_v1.1. Zenodo. March 2024. (
[van_eck_surface_2016] R. van Eck, M. Klep, A. W. M. van Schijndel. Surface to Surface Radiation Benchmarks. In: COMSOL Conference. Munich, Germany. October 2016. pp. 1–6. ⟨⟩
[apptainer_contributors_apptainer_2024] Apptainer Contributors. Apptainer User Documentation. 2024. ⟨⟩
[slurm_development_team_slurm_2024] SLURM Development Team. SLURM Workload Manager. 2024. ⟨⟩
[karakasis_reframe-hpcreframe_2024] Vasileios Karakasis, Theofilos Manitaras, Javier Otero, Eirini Koutsaniti, jgp, rsarm, Christopher Bignamini, victorusu, Andreas Jocksch, kraushm, lucamar, Sebastian Keller, Samuel Omlin, Sergei Kliavinek, Henrique Mendonça, Mosè Giordano, MarkLTurner, GiuseppeLoRe, Davide Grassano, Maxime Boissonneault, Steve Leak, Mahendra Paipuri, jfavre, Vanessasaurus, Jack Morrison, Sam Moors, Zhi-Qiang You, Åke Sandgren, brandon-biggs. reframe-hpc/reframe: ReFrame 4.6.0. Zenodo. April 2024. ⟨⟩
[european_commision_stakeholder_2021] European Commision. Stakeholder consultation on the renovation wave initiative. Brussels. September 2021. pp. 61. ⟨⟩
[european_commision_energy_2020] European Commision. Energy efficiency in buildings. February 2020. ⟨⟩
[the_zoltan2_team_zoltan2_nodate] The Zoltan2 Team. The Zoltan2 Project Website. ⟨⟩
[openstreetmap_contributors_planet_2017] OpenStreetMap contributors. Planet dump retrieved from 2017. ⟨⟩
[noauthor_notitle_nodate] No Author. No Title. ⟨⟩
[cardosi_specx_2022] Paul Cardosi, Bérenger Bramas. Specx: a C++ task-based runtime system for heterogeneous distributed architectures. inria. July 2022. ⟨⟩
[christophe_prudhomme_feelppfeelpp_2024] Christophe Prud’homme, Vincent Chabannes, Thibaut Metivet, Thomas Saigre, Trophime, Luca Berti, Abdoulaye SAMAKE, Céline Van Landeghem. feelpp/feelpp: Feel++ Release V111 preview.9. Zenodo. March 2024. ⟨⟩
[devillers_cgal_2024] Olivier Devillers, Sébastien Loriot, Sylvain Pion. CGAL Ipelets. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[fabri_cgal_2024] Andreas Fabri, Laurent Rineau. CGAL and the Qt Graphics View Framework. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[fabri_io_2024] Andreas Fabri, Geert-Jan Giezeman, Lutz Kettner. I/O Streams. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[kettner_profiling_2024] Lutz Kettner, Sylvain Pion, Michael Seel. Profiling tools, Hash Map, Union-find, Modifiers. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[si_cone-based_2024] Weisheng Si, Quincy Tse, Frédérik Paradis. Cone-Based Spanners. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[anisimov_weight_2024] Dmitry Anisimov. Weight Interface. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[giraudot_cgal_2024] Simon Giraudot, Pierre Alliez, Frédéric Cazals, Gaël Guennebaud, Bruno Lévy, Marc Pouget, Laurent Saboret, Liangliang Nan. CGAL and Solvers. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[flototto_2d_2024] Julia Flötotto, Mael Rouxel-Labbé. 2D triangulation. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[flototto_arrangements_2024] Julia Flötotto, Michael Hemmer, Mariette Yvinec. Arrangements. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[melquiond_interval_2024] Guillaume Melquiond. Interval arithmetic. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[boissonnat_geometry_2024] Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Laurent Rineau. Geometry and topology kernel. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[fabri_manifold_2024] Andreas Fabri, Pierre Alliez, Olivier Devillers, Laurent Rineau, Sylvain Pion. Manifold Subdivision Surface. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[lloyd_bsp_2024] Stuart Lloyd, Sebastien Loriot, Mael Rouxel-Labbé. BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) and KD-Trees (k-dimensional trees). In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[yvinec_voronoi_2024] Mariette Yvinec. Voronoi Diagram. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[de_bakk_ransac_2024] Maurice de Bakk, Simon Giraudot, Florent Lafarge. RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus) Shape Detection. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[pion_eigen_2024] Sylvain Pion, Christian Lantuejoul, Sebastien Loriot. Eigen Interface. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[alliez_polyhedron_2024] Pierre Alliez, Renaud Marlet. Polyhedron. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[fabri_regularized_2024] Andreas Fabri, Pierre Alliez. Regularized Boolean Set Operations. In: CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board. 2024. ⟨⟩
[refinetti_vasilis_krokos_asciidoc_2023] Luca Refinetti, Vasilis Krokos. AsciiDoc Reference Guide. In: Vasilis Krokos. 2023. ⟨⟩
[martin_hidalgo2_hpc_2024] Martin, Heike. HiDALGO2: HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Challenges. 2024. ⟨⟩
[dramski_garbage_2024] Mark Dramski, Laurence Gann. Garbage Collection Techniques in Modern Software Development. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. May 2024. ⟨⟩
[garrison_machine_2024] Thomas Garrison. Machine Learning Optimization Strategies. In: Advances in Machine Learning Research. ACM Press. 2024. ⟨⟩