Source code for Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms.Interpolation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
    os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np
import bisect

[docs]def BinarySearch(orderedList, item): """ Inspects the sorted list "ordered_list" and returns: - 0 if item <= orderedList[0] - the rank of the largest element smaller or equal than item otherwise Parameters ---------- ordered_list: list or one-dimensional np.ndarray the data sorted in increasing order from which the previous rank is\ searched item : float or int the item for which the previous rank is searched Returns ------- int 0 or the rank of the largest element smaller or equal than item in\ "orderedList" """ return max(bisect.bisect_right(orderedList, item) - 1, 0)
[docs]def BinarySearchVectorized(orderedList, items): """ BinarySearch for more than one call (items is now a list or one-dimensional np.ndarray) """ return np.fromiter(map(lambda item: BinarySearch(orderedList, item), items), dtype = int)
[docs]def PieceWiseLinearInterpolation(item, itemIndices, vectors): """ Computes a item interpolation for temporal vectors defined either by itemIndices and vectors at these indices Parameters ---------- item : float the input item at which the interpolation is required itemIndices : np.ndarray the items where the available data is defined, of size (numberOfTimeIndices) vectors : np.ndarray or dict the available data, of size (numberOfVectors, numberOfDofs) Returns ------- np.ndarray interpolated vector, of size (numberOfDofs) """ if item <= itemIndices[0]: return vectors[0] if item >= itemIndices[-1]: return vectors[-1] prev = BinarySearch(itemIndices, item) coef = (item - itemIndices[prev]) / (itemIndices[prev+1] - itemIndices[prev]) return ( coef * vectors[prev+1] + (1 - coef) * vectors[prev] )
[docs]def PieceWiseLinearInterpolationWithMap(item, itemIndices, vectors, vectorsMap): """ Computes a item interpolation for temporal vectors defined either by itemIndices, some tags at these item indices (vectorsMap), and vectors at those tags. Parameters ---------- item : float the input item at which the interpolation is required itemIndices : np.ndarray the items where the available data is defined, of size (numberOfTimeIndices) vectors : np.ndarray or dict the available data, of size (numberOfVectors, numberOfDofs) vectorsMap : list list containing the mapping from the numberOfTimeIndices items indices to the numberOfVectors vectors, of size (numberOfTimeIndices,). Default is None, in which case numberOfVectors = numberOfTimeIndices. Returns ------- np.ndarray interpolated vector, of size (numberOfDofs) """ if item <= itemIndices[0]: return vectors[vectorsMap[0]] if item >= itemIndices[-1]: return vectors[vectorsMap[-1]] prev = BinarySearch(itemIndices, item) coef = (item - itemIndices[prev]) / (itemIndices[prev+1] - itemIndices[prev]) return ( coef * vectors[vectorsMap[prev+1]] + (1 - coef) * vectors[vectorsMap[prev]] )
[docs]def PieceWiseLinearInterpolationVectorized(items, itemIndices, vectors): """ PieceWiseLinearInterpolation for more than one call (items is now a list or one-dimensional np.ndarray) """ return [PieceWiseLinearInterpolation(item, itemIndices, vectors) for item in items]
#return np.fromiter(map(lambda item: PieceWiseLinearInterpolation(item, itemIndices, vectors), items), dtype = type(vectors[0]))
[docs]def PieceWiseLinearInterpolationVectorizedWithMap(items, itemIndices, vectors, vectorsMap): """ PieceWiseLinearInterpolation for more than one call (items is now a list or one-dimensional np.ndarray) """ return [PieceWiseLinearInterpolationWithMap(item, itemIndices, vectors, vectorsMap) for item in items]
#return np.fromiter(map(lambda item: PieceWiseLinearInterpolationWithMap(item, itemIndices, vectors, vectorsMap), items), dtype = np.float) if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover from Mordicus import RunTestFile RunTestFile(__file__)