Source code for Mordicus.Core.DataCompressors.SnapshotPOD

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
    os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np

from mpi4py import MPI
from scipy import sparse

[docs]def ComputeReducedOrderBasisFromCollectionProblemData( collectionProblemData, solutionName, tolerance, snapshotCorrelationOperator = None ): """ Computes a reducedOrderBasis using the SnapshotPOD algorithm, from the snapshots contained in the solutions of name "solutionName" from all problemDatas in collectionProblemData, with tolerance as target accuracy of the data compression Parameters ---------- collectionProblemData : CollectionProblemData input collectionProblemData containing the data solutionName : str name of the solutions from which snapshots are taken tolerance : float target accuracy of the data compression snapshotCorrelationOperator : scipy.sparse.csr, optional correlation operator between the snapshots Returns ------- np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs) """ assert isinstance(solutionName, str) snapshotsIterator = collectionProblemData.SnapshotsIterator(solutionName) if snapshotCorrelationOperator is None: snapshotCorrelationOperator = sparse.eye(collectionProblemData.GetSolutionsNumberOfDofs(solutionName)) return ComputeReducedOrderBasis(snapshotsIterator, snapshotCorrelationOperator, tolerance)
[docs]def ComputeReducedOrderBasis(snapshotsIterator, snapshotCorrelationOperator, tolerance): """ Computes a reducedOrderBasis using the SnapshotPOD algorithm, from the snapshots contained in the iterator snapshotsIterator, which a correlation operator between the snapshots defined by the matrix snapshotCorrelationOperator, with tolerance as target accuracy of the data compression Parameters ---------- snapshotsIterator : iterator iterator over the snapshots on which we want to compute a reducedOrderBasis snapshotCorrelationOperator : scipy.sparse.csr correlation operator between the snapshots tolerance : float target accuracy of the data compression Returns ------- np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs) """ snapshots = [] for s in snapshotsIterator: snapshots.append(s) snapshots = np.array(snapshots) numberOfSnapshots = snapshots.shape[0] correlationMatrix = np.zeros((numberOfSnapshots, numberOfSnapshots)) for i, snapshot1 in enumerate(snapshots): matVecProduct = for j, snapshot2 in enumerate(snapshots): if i >= j: correlationMatrix[i, j] =, snapshot2) mpiReducedCorrelationMatrix = np.zeros((numberOfSnapshots, numberOfSnapshots)) MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce([correlationMatrix, MPI.DOUBLE], [mpiReducedCorrelationMatrix, MPI.DOUBLE]) from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import SVD as SVD eigenValuesRed, eigenVectorsRed = SVD.TruncatedSVDSymLower(mpiReducedCorrelationMatrix, tolerance) nbePODModes = eigenValuesRed.shape[0] print("nbePODModes =", nbePODModes) changeOfBasisMatrix = np.zeros((nbePODModes,numberOfSnapshots)) for j in range(nbePODModes): changeOfBasisMatrix[j,:] = eigenVectorsRed[:,j]/np.sqrt(eigenValuesRed[j]) reducedOrderBasis =,snapshots) return reducedOrderBasis
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover from Mordicus import RunTestFile RunTestFile(__file__)