Source code for Mordicus.Core.OperatorCompressors.Regression
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np
from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import ScikitLearnRegressor as SLR
[docs]def ComputeOnline(
onlineProblemData, solutionName, operatorCompressionOutputData
Compute the online stage using the method of POD on the snapshots and a regression on the coefficients
The parameters must have been initialized in onlineProblemData
onlineProblemData : ProblemData
definition of the testing configuration data in a CollectionProblemData object
solutionName : str
names of the solution to be treated
operatorCompressionOutputData : (regressor, scaler, scaler)
(fitted regressor, fitted scaler on the coefficients, fitted scaler on the parameters)
onlineCompressedSnapshots; dictionary with time indices as keys and a np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes,) containing the coefficients of the reduced solution
regressor = operatorCompressionOutputData[solutionName][0]
scalerParameter = operatorCompressionOutputData[solutionName][1]
scalerCoefficients = operatorCompressionOutputData[solutionName][2]
onlineParameters = onlineProblemData.GetParametersList()
onlineCoefficients = SLR.ComputeRegressionApproximation(regressor, scalerParameter, scalerCoefficients, onlineParameters)
timeSequence = onlineProblemData.GetParametersTimeSequence()
import collections
onlineCompressedSnapshots = collections.OrderedDict()
for i, time in enumerate(timeSequence):
onlineCompressedSnapshots[time] = onlineCoefficients[i,:]
return onlineCompressedSnapshots
[docs]def CompressOperator(
collectionProblemData, solutionNames, operatorCompressionInputData
Computes the offline operator compression stage using the method of POD on the snapshots and a regression on the coefficients
collectionProblemData : CollectionProblemData
definition of the training data in a CollectionProblemData object
solutionNames : list of str
names of the solution to be treated
operatorCompressionInputData : dict of objects satisfying the scikit-learn regressors API
input regressor to be fitted
operatorCompressionData = {}
regressors = operatorCompressionInputData[0]
paramGrids = operatorCompressionInputData[1]
for solutionName in solutionNames:
regressor = regressors[solutionName]
paramGrid = paramGrids[solutionName]
numberOfModes = collectionProblemData.GetReducedOrderBasisNumberOfModes(solutionName)
numberOfSnapshots = collectionProblemData.GetGlobalNumberOfSnapshots(solutionName)
parameterDimension = collectionProblemData.GetParameterDimension()
coefficients = np.zeros((numberOfSnapshots, numberOfModes))
parameters = np.zeros((numberOfSnapshots, parameterDimension))
count = 0
for key, problemData in collectionProblemData.GetProblemDatas().items():
localNumberOfSnapshots = problemData.GetSolution(
times = problemData.GetSolution(solutionName).GetTimeSequenceFromCompressedSnapshots()
coefficients[count : count + localNumberOfSnapshots, :] = (
localParameters = np.array([problemData.GetParameterAtTime(t) for t in times])
parameters[count : count + localNumberOfSnapshots, :] = localParameters
count += localNumberOfSnapshots
model, scalerParameter, scalerCoefficients = SLR.GridSearchCVRegression(regressor, paramGrid, parameters, coefficients)
operatorCompressionData[solutionName] = (model, scalerParameter, scalerCoefficients)
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover
from Mordicus import RunTestFile