Source code for Mordicus.Modules.CT.IO.numpyToVTKWriter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import vtk

from vtk.util import numpy_support
from Mordicus.Core.IO.SolutionReaderBase import SolutionReaderBase
from mpi4py import MPI
from pathlib import Path
import os

primalSolutionComponents = {1:[""], 2:["1", "2"], 3:["1", "2", "3"]}

[docs]def WritePOD(VTKBase, solutionName, reducedOrderBasis): """ Functional API Reads a snapshots from the Z-set solution file "solutionFileName" (.ut), at time "time" and of primality "primality", from the HF computation Parameters ---------- solutionFileName : str Z-set solution file fieldName : str name of the solution from which the snapshot is read time : float time at which the snapshot is read primality : bool primality of the solution from which the snapshot is read Returns ------- np.ndarray of size (numberOfDofs,) """ writer = VTKWriter(VTKBase = VTKBase) return writer.numpyToVTKWrite(solutionName, reducedOrderBasis)
[docs]class VTKWriter(SolutionReaderBase): """ Class containing writers for VTK files Attributes ---------- VTKBase : vtu data structure name of the VTK data structure (.vtu) """ def __init__(self, VTKBase): """ Parameters ---------- VTKBase : vtu data structure """ super(VTKWriter, self).__init__() self.VTKBase = VTKBase
[docs] def numpyToVTKPODWrite(self, solutionName, reducedOrderBasis): nmpyPODModes_array = reducedOrderBasis #print('\nPOD modes (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs) ', nmpyPODModes_array.shape) p = self.VTKBase.GetPointData() for ind in range(0,nmpyPODModes_array.shape[0]): nmpyPODMode_array = nmpyPODModes_array[ind,:] VTK_data = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=nmpyPODMode_array.ravel(), deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_FLOAT) VTK_data.SetName("POD_mode "+ str(solutionName) + ' ' + str(ind)) name = VTK_data.GetName() size = VTK_data.GetSize() p.AddArray(VTK_data) out_fname = 'PODmodes.vtu' writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.SetFileName(out_fname) writer.SetInputData(self.VTKBase) writer.SetDataModeToAscii() writer.Write() print('\nfile ', out_fname, ' written\n' )
[docs] def numpyToVTKSanpWrite(self, solutionName, SnapshotsList): numpySnap_array = SnapshotsList[0] p = self.VTKBase.GetPointData() VTK_data = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=numpySnap_array.ravel(), deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_FLOAT) VTK_data.SetName("Rec Sol "+ str(solutionName)) name = VTK_data.GetName() size = VTK_data.GetSize() p.AddArray(VTK_data) out_fname = 'RecSol.vtu' writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.SetFileName(out_fname) writer.SetInputData(self.VTKBase) writer.SetDataModeToAscii() writer.Write() print('\nfile ', out_fname, ' written\n' )