Source code for Mordicus.Modules.Safran.Containers.ConstitutiveLaws.MfrontConstitutiveLaw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
    os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np
from Mordicus.Core.Containers.ConstitutiveLaws.ConstitutiveLawBase import ConstitutiveLawBase

[docs]class MfrontConstitutiveLaw(ConstitutiveLawBase): """ Class containing a MfrontConstitutiveLaw Attributes ---------- b : mgis.behaviour.Behaviour mfront behaviour m : mgis.behaviour.MaterialDataManager mfront material data manager density : float density of the material constitutiveLawVariables : dict dictionary with variable names (str) as keys and variables as type """ def __init__(self, set): assert isinstance(set, str) super(MfrontConstitutiveLaw, self).__init__(set, "mechanical") self.b = None self.m = None self.density = None self.constitutiveLawVariables = {} self.constitutiveLawVariables['var'] = ['eto11', 'eto22', 'eto33', 'eto12', 'eto23', 'eto31', 'sig11', 'sig22', 'sig33', 'sig12', 'sig23', 'sig31']
[docs] def SetConstitutiveLawVariables(self, constitutiveLawVariables): """ Sets the constitutiveLawVariables dictionary Parameters ---------- constitutiveLawVariables : dict dictionary with variable names (str) as keys and variables as type """ self.constitutiveLawVariables = constitutiveLawVariables
[docs] def SetOneConstitutiveLawVariable(self, var, value): """ Sets one variable of the constitutive law Parameters ---------- var : str name of the variable value : custom_data_structure variable of the constitutive law """ self.constitutiveLawVariables[var] = value
[docs] def SetDensity(self, density): """ Sets the density of the constitutive law Parameters ---------- density : float density of the material """ self.density = density
[docs] def GetDensity(self): """ Returns the density of the material Returns ------- float density """ return self.density
[docs] def GetConstitutiveLawVariables(self): """ Returns ------- dict complete dictionary defining the constitutive law variables """ return self.constitutiveLawVariables
[docs] def GetOneConstitutiveLawVariable(self, var): """ Returns one variable of the constitutive law Parameters ---------- var : str key of the dictionnary for storing the variable (e.g. name of the variable) Returns ------- custom_data_structure variable of the constitutive law """ return self.constitutiveLawVariables[var]
[docs] def SetLawModelling(self, hypothesis, behavior, behaviorFile, internalVariables, nbIntPoints): """ Sets the density of the constitutive law Parameters ---------- hypothesis : mgis_bv.Hypothesis mfront hypothesis behavior : mgis.behaviour.Behaviour mfront behaviour behaviorFile : string path to compiled mfront behavior file (.so) internalVariables : list of strings list of the name of the internal variables modeling the constitutive law nbIntPoints : int number of integration points, where the constitutive law is modeled """ import mgis.behaviour as mgis_bv availableHypothesis = {'Tridimensional': mgis_bv.Hypothesis.TRIDIMENSIONAL} assert hypothesis in availableHypothesis, "hypothesis '"+hypothesis+"' not available" h = availableHypothesis[hypothesis] self.b = mgis_bv.load(behaviorFile, behavior, h) self.m = mgis_bv.MaterialDataManager(self.b, nbIntPoints) self.constitutiveLawVariables['var'] += internalVariables self.constitutiveLawVariables['nstatv'] = len(internalVariables)
[docs] def ComputeConstitutiveLaw(self, temperature, dtemp, stran, dstran, statev): """ Main function of the class: computes a new material state using a constitutive law solver from a previous material state and variations of temperature and strain Parameters ---------- temperature : np.ndarray or list temperature at the previous state, at integration points (np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints) or list of length nbIntPoints) dtemp : np.ndarray or list variations of temperature between the previous state and the new state to compute, at integration points (np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints) or list of length nbIntPoints) stran : np.ndarray strain at the previous state, at integration points (np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints,nbeOfDualComponents)) dstran : np.ndarray variations of strain between the previous state and the new state to compute, at integration points (np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints,nbeOfDualComponents)) statev : np.ndarray internal state variables at the previous state, at integration points (np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints,nbeOfStateVariables)) Returns ------- np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints, nbeOfDualComponents, nbeOfDualComponents) ddsdde: local tangent matrix at the new state np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints, nbeOfDualComponents) stress: stress at the new state np.ndarray of size (nbIntPoints, nbeOfStateVariables) statev: internal state variables at the new state """ import mgis.behaviour as mgis_bv mgis_bv.setExternalStateVariable(self.m.s0, "Temperature", temperature, mgis_bv.MaterialStateManagerStorageMode.LocalStorage) mgis_bv.setExternalStateVariable(self.m.s1, "Temperature", temperature + dtemp, mgis_bv.MaterialStateManagerStorageMode.LocalStorage) self.m.s0.gradients[:,:] = stran self.m.s1.gradients[:,:] = stran + dstran self.m.s0.gradients[:,3:] /= np.sqrt(2.) self.m.s1.gradients[:,3:] /= np.sqrt(2.) it = mgis_bv.IntegrationType.IntegrationWithConsistentTangentOperator mgis_bv.integrate(self.m, it, 0, 0, self.m.n) stress = self.m.s1.thermodynamic_forces ddsdde = self.m.K stress[:,3:] /= np.sqrt(2.) ddsdde[:,3:,:] /= np.sqrt(2.) ddsdde[:,:,3:] /= np.sqrt(2.) statev = self.m.s1.internal_state_variables return ddsdde, stress, statev
[docs] def UpdateInternalState(self): """ Updates the state of the internal variables """ import mgis.behaviour as mgis_bv mgis_bv.update(self.m)
def __str__(self): res = "Mechanical MfrontConstitutiveLaw on set "+self.set return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover from Mordicus import RunTestFile RunTestFile(__file__)