Source code for Mordicus.Modules.Safran.Containers.ConstitutiveLaws.ThermalConstitutiveLaw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
    os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np

from Mordicus.Core.Containers.ConstitutiveLaws.ConstitutiveLawBase import ConstitutiveLawBase
from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import Interpolation as TI
from scipy import integrate, interpolate

[docs]class ThermalConstitutiveLaw(ConstitutiveLawBase): """ Class containing a ThermalConstitutiveLaw thermal capacity (in and thermal conductivity (in W.K-1.m-1) are modeled as piecewise linear functions of the temperature Attributes ---------- capacityTemp : np.ndarray or list of floats temperature values on which thermal capacities are provided capacityFunction : scipy.interpolate.interp1d thermal capacity as a piecewise linear functions of the temperature internalEnergyFunctions : list of scipy.interpolate.interp1d internal energy modeled as a set of piecewise linear functions of the temperature up to a constant internalEnergyConstants : np.ndarray or list of floats additive constants associated to internalEnergyFunctions conductivityFunction : scipy.interpolate.interp1d thermal conductivity as a piecewise linear functions of the temperature behavior : str name of the model behavior """ def __init__(self, set): assert isinstance(set, str) super(ThermalConstitutiveLaw, self).__init__(set, "thermal") self.capacityTemp = None self.capacityFunction = None self.internalEnergyFunctions = None self.internalEnergyConstants = None self.conductivityFunction = None self.behavior = None
[docs] def SetBehavior(self, behavior): """ Sets the name of the model behavior Parameters ---------- behavior : str name of the model behavior """ self.behavior = behavior
[docs] def SetThermalCapacity(self, capacityTemp, capacityVal): """ Sets the model of thermal capacity Parameters ---------- capacityTemp : np.ndarray or list of floats temperature values on which thermal capacity are provided capacityVal : np.ndarray or list of floats thermal capacity values on corresponding temperature values """ self.capacityTemp = capacityTemp self.internalEnergyFunctions = [] self.internalEnergyConstants = [] constant = 0. for i in range(len(capacityTemp)-1): xx = np.array([capacityTemp[i], 0.5*(capacityTemp[i]+capacityTemp[i+1]), capacityTemp[i+1]]) yy = np.array([capacityVal[i], 0.5*(capacityVal[i]+capacityVal[i+1]), capacityVal[i+1]]) y_int = integrate.cumtrapz(y = yy , x = xx, initial = 0.) self.internalEnergyFunctions.append(interpolate.interp1d(xx, y_int, kind='quadratic', copy=True, bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True)) self.internalEnergyConstants.append(constant) constant += y_int[-1] self.capacityFunction = interpolate.interp1d(capacityTemp, capacityVal, kind='linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True)
[docs] def SetThermalConductivity(self, conductivityTemp, conductivityVal): """ Sets the model of thermal conductivity Parameters ---------- conductivityTemp : np.ndarray or list of floats temperature values on which thermal conductivity values are provided conductivityVal : np.ndarray or list of floats thermal conductivity values on corresponding temperature values """ self.conductivityFunction = interpolate.interp1d(conductivityTemp, conductivityVal, kind='linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, assume_sorted=True)
[docs] def ComputeCapacity(self, temperature): """ Computes the thermal capacity for a given temperature value Parameters ---------- temperature : float temperature at which the capacity is computed Returns ------- float thermal capacity """ return self.capacityFunction(temperature)
[docs] def ComputeConductivity(self, temperature): """ Computes the thermal conductivity for a given temperature value Parameters ---------- temperature : float temperature at which the conductivity is computed Returns ------- float thermal conductivity """ return self.conductivityFunction(temperature)
[docs] def ComputeInternalEnergy(self, temperature): """ Computes the internal energy for a given temperature value Parameters ---------- temperature : float temperature at which the conductivity is computed Returns ------- float internal energy """ previousTempStep = TI.BinarySearch(self.capacityTemp, temperature) return self.internalEnergyConstants[previousTempStep] + self.internalEnergyFunctions[previousTempStep](temperature)
[docs] def ComputeInternalEnergyVectorized(self, temperature): """ Computes the internal energy for a set of given temperature values Notes ----- Out of bounds: we take for internal energy the constant value of the bound, not extrapolate the primitive Parameters ---------- temperature : np.ndarray or list of floats temperature values at which the internal energy is computed Returns ------- np.ndarray of floats set of internal energy values """ temperature = np.array(temperature) previousTempStep = TI.BinarySearchVectorized(self.capacityTemp, temperature) underOutOfBoundsInidices = temperature <= self.capacityTemp[0] overOutOfBoundsInidices = temperature >= self.capacityTemp[-1] previousTempStep[underOutOfBoundsInidices] = -1 previousTempStep[overOutOfBoundsInidices] = -1 res = np.empty(temperature.size) res[underOutOfBoundsInidices] = self.internalEnergyConstants[0] res[overOutOfBoundsInidices] = self.internalEnergyConstants[-1] + self.internalEnergyFunctions[-1](self.capacityTemp[-1]) for i in range(len(self.capacityTemp)): indices = previousTempStep == i localTemperature = temperature[indices] if localTemperature.size > 0: res[indices] = self.internalEnergyConstants[i] + self.internalEnergyFunctions[i](localTemperature) return res
def __str__(self): res = "ThermalConstitutiveLaw on set "+self.set return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover from Mordicus import RunTestFile RunTestFile(__file__)