Source code for Mordicus.Modules.Safran.Containers.InitialConditions.InitialCondition
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np
from Mordicus.Core.Containers.InitialConditions.InitialConditionBase import InitialConditionBase
from mpi4py import MPI
[docs]class InitialCondition(InitialConditionBase):
Class modeling an initial condition
dataType : dict
dictionary with solutionName (str) as keys and the type of initial
condition (str: "scalar" or "vector")
initialSnapshot : dict
dictionary with solutionName (str) as keys and the values of the initial
condition (float or np.ndarray of floats of size (numberOfDofs,))
reducedInitialSnapshot : dict
dictionary with solutionName (str) as keys and the values of the reduced
initial snapshot (np.ndarray of floats of size (numberOfModes,))
def __init__(self):
super(InitialCondition, self).__init__()
self.dataType = {}
self.initialSnapshot = {}
self.reducedInitialSnapshot = {}
[docs] def SetDataType(self, solutionName, dataTy):
Sets the type of initial condition
solutionName : str
name of the corresponding solution
dataTy : str
type of initial condition (scalar" or "vector")
self.dataType[solutionName] = dataTy
[docs] def GetDataType(self, solutionName):
Returns the type of initial condition for a given solutionName
type of initial condition (scalar" or "vector")
return self.dataType[solutionName]
[docs] def SetInitialSnapshot(self, solutionName, initialSnapshot):
Sets the initial condition
solutionName : str
name of the corresponding solution
initialSnapshot : float or np.ndarray of floats of size (numberOfDofs,)
values of the initial condition
self.initialSnapshot[solutionName] = initialSnapshot
[docs] def SetReducedInitialSnapshot(self, solutionName, reducedInitialSnapshot):
Sets the reduced initial snapshot
solutionName : str
name of the corresponding solution
reducedInitialSnapshot : np.ndarray of floats of size (numberOfModes,)
values of the reduced initial snapshot
self.reducedInitialSnapshot[solutionName] = reducedInitialSnapshot
[docs] def GetReducedInitialSnapshot(self, solutionName):
Returns the reduced initial snapshot
solutionName : str
name of the corresponding solution
np.ndarray of floats of size (numberOfModes,)
values of the reduced initial snapshot
return self.reducedInitialSnapshot[solutionName]
[docs] def ReduceInitialSnapshot(self, reducedOrderBases, snapshotCorrelationOperator = None):
Computes and sets the reduced initial snapshot
reducedOrderBases : dict(str: np.ndarray)
dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and reducedOrderBases
(np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs)) as values
snapshotCorrelationOperator : scipy.sparse.csr, optional
correlation operator between the snapshots
for solutionName in self.initialSnapshot.keys():
reducedOrderBasis = reducedOrderBases[solutionName]
if self.dataType[solutionName] == "scalar":
if self.initialSnapshot[solutionName] == 0.:
self.SetReducedInitialSnapshot(solutionName, np.zeros(reducedOrderBasis.shape[0]))
initVector = self.initialSnapshot[solutionName] * np.ones(reducedOrderBasis.shape[1])
initVector = self.initialSnapshot[solutionName]
if snapshotCorrelationOperator is None:
matVecProduct = initVector
matVecProduct = snapshotCorrelationOperator[solutionName].dot(initVector)
localScalarProduct =, matVecProduct)
globalScalarProduct = np.zeros(localScalarProduct.shape)
MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce([localScalarProduct, MPI.DOUBLE], [globalScalarProduct, MPI.DOUBLE])
self.SetReducedInitialSnapshot(solutionName, globalScalarProduct)
def __getstate__(self):
state = {}
state["initialSnapshot"] = None
state["reducedInitialSnapshot"] = self.reducedInitialSnapshot
return state
def __str__(self):
res = "Initial Condition"
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover
from Mordicus import RunTestFile