Source code for Mordicus.Modules.Safran.Containers.Loadings.Centrifugal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
    os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np

from Mordicus.Core.Containers.Loadings.LoadingBase import LoadingBase

[docs]class Centrifugal(LoadingBase): """ Class containing a Loading of type centrifugal effects for mechanical problems. Attributes ---------- rotationVelocityTimes: np.ndarray or list of floats time values on which rotation velocity values are provided rotationVelocityValues: np.ndarray or list of floats rotation velocity values at the corresponding time values center : np.ndarray np.ndarray of size 1, 2 or 3, containing the coordinates of the center of rotation direction : np.ndarray np.ndarray of size 1, 2 or 3, containing the unit vector of direction of rotation coefficient : float coefficient multiplying the rotational velocity reducedUnitCentrifugalVector : np.ndarray np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes) containing the precomputed vector "red" for deriving the centrifugal reduced external forces contribution is the form: (coefficient*rotationVelocity)**2*red """ def __init__(self, solutionName, set): assert isinstance(set, str) assert isinstance(solutionName, str) assert solutionName == "U", "Centrifugal loading can only be applied on U solution types" super(Centrifugal, self).__init__("U", set, "centrifugal") self.rotationVelocityTimes = None self.rotationVelocityValues = None = None self.direction = None self.coefficient = None self.reducedUnitCentrifugalVector = None #self.reducedIntegrationWeights = None #self.reducedIntegrationPoints = None #self.JdetAtReducedIntegPoint = None #self.reducedUnAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector = None
[docs] def SetRotationVelocity(self, rotationVelocity): """ Sets rotationVelocityTimes and rotationVelocityValues Parameters ---------- rotationVelocity : dict dictionary with time steps (float) as keys and the values of the rotation velocity (float) """ # assert type of rotationVelocity assert isinstance(rotationVelocity, dict) assert np.all( [isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(rotationVelocity.keys())] ) assert np.all( [ isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(rotationVelocity.values()) ] ) self.rotationVelocityTimes = np.array(list(rotationVelocity.keys()), dtype = float) self.rotationVelocityValues = np.array(list(rotationVelocity.values()), dtype = float)
[docs] def SetCenter(self, center): """ Sets center Parameters ---------- center : np.ndarray or list of floats coordinates of the center of rotation """ = np.array(center)
[docs] def SetDirection(self, direction): """ Sets direction Parameters ---------- direction : np.ndarray or list of floats unit vector of direction of rotation """ self.direction = np.array(direction)
[docs] def SetCoefficient(self, coefficient): """ Sets coefficient Parameters ---------- coefficient : float coefficient multiplying the rotational velocity """ self.coefficient = coefficient
[docs] def GetRotationVelocityAtTime(self, time: float)-> float: """ Computes the rotationVelocity at time, using PieceWiseLinearInterpolation Parameters ---------- time : float Returns ------- float rotationVelocity at time """ # assert type of time assert isinstance(time, (float, np.float64)) from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import Interpolation as TI # compute rotationVelocity at time rotationVelocity = TI.PieceWiseLinearInterpolation( time, self.rotationVelocityTimes, self.rotationVelocityValues ) return rotationVelocity
[docs] def ReduceLoading(self, mesh, problemData, reducedOrderBases, operatorCompressionData = None): """ Computes and sets the reduced representation of the loading Parameters ---------- mesh : BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMesh mesh of the high-fidelity model problemData : ProblemData problemData containing the loading reducedOrderBases : dict(str: np.ndarray) dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and reducedOrderBases (np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs)) as values operatorCompressionData : dict(str: custom_data_structure) not used in this loading dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and data structure generated by the operator compression step as values """ from Mordicus.Modules.Safran.FE import FETools as FT #density = {} #for key, law in problemData.GetConstitutiveLaws().items(): # if key[0] == "mechanical": # density[key[1]] = law.GetDensity() #assembledUnitCentrifugalVector0 = FT.IntegrateCentrifugalEffect(mesh, density, self.direction, integrationWeights, phiAtIntegPoint = FT.ComputePhiAtIntegPoint(mesh) integrationPointsPosition = ipPositionFromRotationCenter = integrationPointsPosition - length = np.einsum('ij,j->i', ipPositionFromRotationCenter, self.direction, optimize = True) ipProjectionFromRotationCenter = np.outer(length, np.array(self.direction)) r = (ipPositionFromRotationCenter - ipProjectionFromRotationCenter) integrationPointsTags = FT.ComputeIntegrationPointsTags(mesh) assert len(integrationPointsTags) == len(integrationWeights), "integrationPointsTags and integrationWeights have different length" constitutiveLawSets = problemData.GetSetsOfConstitutiveOfType("mechanical") materialKeyPerIntegrationPoint = FT.ComputeMaterialKeyPerIntegrationPoint(integrationPointsTags, constitutiveLawSets) densityAtIntegrationPoints = np.array([problemData.GetConstitutiveLaws()[("mechanical",set)].GetDensity() for set in materialKeyPerIntegrationPoint]) #densityRWeightAtIntegrationPoints = np.einsum('ij,i,i->ij', r, densityAtIntegrationPoints, integrationWeights, optimize = True) #assembledUnitCentrifugalVector = #self.reducedUnitCentrifugalVector =[self.solutionName], assembledUnitCentrifugalVector) numberOfComponents = mesh.GetDimensionality() numberOfIntegrationPoints = len(integrationWeights) numberOfModes = reducedOrderBases[self.solutionName].shape[0] numberOfNodes = mesh.GetNumberOfNodes() componentReducedOrderBasis = [] for i in range(numberOfComponents): componentReducedOrderBasis.append(reducedOrderBases[self.solutionName][:,i*numberOfNodes:(i+1)*numberOfNodes].T) reducedPhiAtIntegPoints = np.empty((numberOfComponents,numberOfIntegrationPoints,numberOfModes)) for i in range(numberOfComponents): reducedPhiAtIntegPoints[i] =[i]) #unAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector = np.einsum('ij,i,jik->ik', r, densityAtIntegrationPoints, reducedPhiAtIntegPoints, optimize = True) #self.reducedUnitCentrifugalVector = np.einsum('ij,i->j', unAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector, integrationWeights, optimize = True) #self.unAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector = np.einsum('ij,i,jik->ki', r, densityAtIntegrationPoints, reducedPhiAtIntegPoints, optimize = True) unAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector = np.einsum('ij,i,jik->ki', r, densityAtIntegrationPoints, reducedPhiAtIntegPoints, optimize = True) self.reducedUnitCentrifugalVector =, integrationWeights)
#return unAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector, integrationWeights
[docs] def ComputeContributionToReducedExternalForces(self, time): """ Computes and returns the reduced external forces contribution of the loading Parameters ---------- time : float Returns ------- np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes,) """ # assert type of time assert isinstance(time, (float, np.float64)) rotationVelocity = self.GetRotationVelocityAtTime(time) return (self.coefficient*rotationVelocity)**2*self.reducedUnitCentrifugalVector
def __getstate__(self): state = {} state["solutionName"] = self.solutionName state["set"] = self.set state["type"] = self.type state["rotationVelocityTimes"] = self.rotationVelocityTimes state["rotationVelocityValues"] = self.rotationVelocityValues state["center"] = state["direction"] = self.direction state["coefficient"] = self.coefficient state["reducedUnitCentrifugalVector"] = self.reducedUnitCentrifugalVector #state["reducedIntegrationWeights"] = self.reducedIntegrationWeights #state["reducedIntegrationPoints"] = self.reducedIntegrationPoints #state["reducedUnAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector"] = self.reducedUnAssembledReducedUnitCentrifugalVector #state["JdetAtReducedIntegPoint"] = self.JdetAtReducedIntegPoint return state def __str__(self): res = "Centrifugal Loading with set "+self.GetSet()+"\n" res += "rotationVelocityTimes : "+str(self.rotationVelocityTimes)+"\n" res += "rotationVelocityValues : "+str(self.rotationVelocityValues)+"\n" res += "center : "+str("\n" res += "direction : "+str(self.direction)+"\n" res += "coefficient : "+str(self.coefficient) return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover from Mordicus import RunTestFile RunTestFile(__file__)