Source code for Mordicus.Modules.Safran.Containers.Loadings.ConvectionHeatFlux

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
    os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
    os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np

from Mordicus.Core.Containers.Loadings.LoadingBase import LoadingBase
from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import Interpolation as TI

[docs]class ConvectionHeatFlux(LoadingBase): """ Class containing a Loading of type convection heat flux boundary condition for thermal problems. Attributes ---------- hTimes : np.ndarray or list of floats time values on which heat transfert coefficient values are provided hValues : np.ndarray or list of floats heat transfert coefficient values at the corresponding time values TextTimes : np.ndarray or list of floats time values on which external temperature values are provided TextValues : np.ndarray or list of floats external temperature values at the corresponding time values reducedPhiT : numpy.ndarray of size (numberOfModes,) containing the precomputed vector "red" for deriving the convection heat flux reduced external forces contribution is the form: h*Text*red reducedPhiTPhiT : numpy.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfModes) containing the precomputed matrix "mat" for deriving the reduced global tangent matrix contribution is the form: h*mat """ def __init__(self, solutionName, set): assert isinstance(set, str) assert isinstance(solutionName, str) assert solutionName == "T", "ConvectionHeatFlux loading can only be applied on T solution types" super(ConvectionHeatFlux, self).__init__("T", set, "convection_heat_flux") self.hTimes = None self.hValues = None self.TextTimes = None self.TextValues = None self.reducedPhiT = None self.reducedPhiTPhiT = None
[docs] def SetH(self, h): """ Sets hTimes and hValues Parameters ---------- h : dict dictionary with time steps (float) as keys and the values of the heat transfert coefficient (float) """ # assert type of h assert isinstance(h, dict) assert np.all( [isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(h.keys())]) assert np.all([isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(h.values())]) self.hTimes = np.array(list(h.keys()), dtype = float) self.hValues = np.array(list(h.values()), dtype = float)
[docs] def SetText(self, Text): """ Sets TextTimes and TextValues Parameters ---------- Text : dict dictionary with time steps (float) as keys and the values of the external temperature values (float) """ # assert type of Text assert isinstance(Text, dict) assert np.all( [isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(Text.keys())]) assert np.all([isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(Text.values())]) self.TextTimes = np.array(list(Text.keys()), dtype = float) self.TextValues = np.array(list(Text.values()), dtype = float)
[docs] def GetCoefficientsAtTime(self, time: float)-> (float, float): """ Computes and return h and Text at time, using PieceWiseLinearInterpolation Parameters ---------- time : float Returns ------- float h at time float Text at time """ h = TI.PieceWiseLinearInterpolation(time, self.hTimes, self.hValues) Text = TI.PieceWiseLinearInterpolation(time, self.TextTimes, self.TextValues) return h, Text
[docs] def ReduceLoading(self, mesh, problemData, reducedOrderBases, operatorCompressionData): """ Computes and sets the reduced representation of the loading Parameters ---------- mesh : BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMesh mesh of the high-fidelity model problemData : ProblemData problemData containing the loading reducedOrderBases : dict(str: np.ndarray) dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and reducedOrderBases (np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs)) as values operatorCompressionData : dict(str: custom_data_structure) not used in this loading dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and data structure generated by the operator compression step as values """ from Mordicus.Modules.Safran.FE import FETools as FT integrationWeights, phiAtIntegPoint = FT.ComputePhiAtIntegPoint(mesh, [self.GetSet()], relativeDimension = -1) reducedPhiTAtIntegPoints =[self.solutionName].T) self.reducedPhiTPhiT = np.einsum('tk,tl,t->kl', reducedPhiTAtIntegPoints, reducedPhiTAtIntegPoints, integrationWeights, optimize = True) self.reducedPhiT = np.einsum('tk,t->k', reducedPhiTAtIntegPoints, integrationWeights, optimize = True)
[docs] def ComputeContributionToReducedExternalForces(self, time): """ Computes and returns the reduced external forces contribution of the loading Parameters ---------- time : float Returns ------- np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes,) """ # assert type of time assert isinstance(time, (float, np.float64)) h, Text = self.GetCoefficientsAtTime(time) return h*Text*self.reducedPhiT
def __str__(self): res = "ConvectionHeatFlux Loading with set "+self.GetSet() return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover from Mordicus import RunTestFile RunTestFile(__file__)