Source code for Mordicus.Modules.Safran.Containers.Loadings.Radiation
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np
from Mordicus.Core.Containers.Loadings.LoadingBase import LoadingBase
from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import Interpolation as TI
[docs]class Radiation(LoadingBase):
Class containing a Loading of type radiation boundary condition for thermal
TextTimes : np.ndarray or list of floats
time values on which external temperature values are provided
TextValues : np.ndarray or list of floats
external temperature values at the corresponding time values
StefanBoltzmannConstant : float
Stefan-Boltzmann constant used for the boundary condition computation
reducedPhiT : numpy.ndarray
of size (numberOfModes,) containing the precomputed vector
"red" for deriving the convection heat flux reduced external forces
contribution is the form: stefanBoltzmannConstant*(Text**4)*red
def __init__(self, solutionName, set):
assert isinstance(set, str)
assert isinstance(solutionName, str)
assert solutionName == "T", "Radiation loading can only be applied on T solution types"
super(Radiation, self).__init__("T", set, "radiation")
self.TextTimes = None
self.TextValues = None
self.stefanBoltzmannConstant = 0.
self.reducedPhiT = None
[docs] def SetText(self, Text):
Sets TextTimes and TextValues
Text : dict
dictionary with time steps (float) as keys and the values of the
external temperature values (float)
# assert type of Text
assert isinstance(Text, dict)
assert np.all(
[isinstance(key, (float, np.float64)) for key in list(Text.keys())])
assert np.all([isinstance(key, (float, np.float64))
for key in list(Text.values())])
self.TextTimes = np.array(list(Text.keys()), dtype = float)
self.TextValues = np.array(list(Text.values()), dtype = float)
[docs] def SetStefanBoltzmannConstant(self, stefanBoltzmannConstant):
Sets stefanBoltzmannConstant
stefanBoltzmannConstant : float
Stefan-Boltzmann constant used for the boundary condition computation
# assert type of stefanBoltzmannConstant
assert isinstance(stefanBoltzmannConstant, (float, np.float64))
self.stefanBoltzmannConstant = stefanBoltzmannConstant
[docs] def GetTextAtTime(self, time: float)-> float:
Computes and return Text at time, using PieceWiseLinearInterpolation
time : float
Text at time
# compute coefficient at time
Text = TI.PieceWiseLinearInterpolation(time,
self.TextTimes, self.TextValues)
return Text
[docs] def ReduceLoading(self, mesh, problemData, reducedOrderBases, operatorCompressionData):
Computes and sets the reduced representation of the loading
mesh : BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMesh
mesh of the high-fidelity model
problemData : ProblemData
problemData containing the loading
reducedOrderBases : dict(str: np.ndarray)
dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and reducedOrderBases
(np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs)) as values
operatorCompressionData : dict(str: custom_data_structure)
not used in this loading
dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and data structure
generated by the operator compression step as values
from Mordicus.Modules.Safran.FE import FETools as FT
integrationWeights, phiAtIntegPoint = FT.ComputePhiAtIntegPoint(mesh, [self.GetSet()], relativeDimension = -1)
reducedPhiTAtIntegPoints =[self.solutionName].T)
self.reducedPhiT = np.einsum('tk,t->k', reducedPhiTAtIntegPoints, integrationWeights, optimize = True)
[docs] def ComputeContributionToReducedExternalForces(self, time):
Computes and returns the reduced external forces contribution of the loading
time : float
of size (numberOfModes,)
# assert type of time
assert isinstance(time, (float, np.float64))
Text = self.GetTextAtTime(time)
return self.stefanBoltzmannConstant*(Text**4)*self.reducedPhiT
def __str__(self):
res = "Radiation Loading with set "+self.GetSet()
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover
from Mordicus import RunTestFile