# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1: # pragma: no cover
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1"
os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
import numpy as np
from Mordicus.Core.Containers.Loadings.LoadingBase import LoadingBase
[docs]class Temperature(LoadingBase):
Class containing a Loading of type temperature for mechanical problems.
fieldsMapTimes : np.ndarray or list of floats
time values on which filed maps values are provided
fieldsMapValues : np.ndarray or list of str
filed maps values at the corresponding time values
fields : dict
dictionary with temperature vectors tags (str) keys and temperature
vectors (np.ndarray of size (numberOfNodes,)) at integration
points as values
fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints : dict
dictionary with temperature vectors tags (str) keys and temperature
vectors (np.ndarray of size (numberOfReducedIntegPoints,)) at reduced
integration points as values
phiAtReducedIntegPoint : scipy.sparse matrix
of size (numberOfReducedIntegPoints,numberOfNodes) containing the
finite element basis functions evaluated at the reduced integration
points, so that the temperature fields at reduced integration points
are obtained by phiAtReducedIntegPoint.dot(field)
def __init__(self, solutionName, set):
assert isinstance(set, str)
assert isinstance(solutionName, str)
super(Temperature, self).__init__(solutionName, set, "temperature")
self.fieldsMapTimes = None
self.fieldsMapValues = None
self.fields = {}
self.fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints = {}
self.phiAtReducedIntegPoint = None
[docs] def SetFieldsMap(self, fieldsMapTimes, fieldsMapValues):
Sets fieldsMapTimes and fieldsMapValues
fieldsMapTimes : np.ndarray or list of floats
time values on which filed maps values are provided
fieldsMapValues : np.ndarray or list of str
filed maps values at the corresponding time values
self.fieldsMapTimes = fieldsMapTimes
self.fieldsMapValues = fieldsMapValues
[docs] def SetFields(self, fields):
Sets fields
fields : dict
dictionary with temperature vectors tags (str) keys and temperature
vectors (np.ndarray of size (numberOfNodes,)) at integration
points as values
# assert type of fields
assert isinstance(fields, dict)
assert np.all([isinstance(key, str) for key in list(fields.keys())])
assert np.all([isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
for value in list(fields.values())])
self.fields = fields
[docs] def GetTemperatureAtReducedIntegrationPointsAtTime(self, time):
Computes and returns the temperature at reduced integration points and
at time, using PieceWiseLinearInterpolation
time : float
of size (numberOfReducedIntegPoints,), temperature at reduced
integration points and at time
# assert type of time
assert isinstance(time, (float, np.float64))
from Mordicus.Core.BasicAlgorithms import Interpolation as TI
# compute fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints at time
temperatureAtReducedIntegrationPoints = TI.PieceWiseLinearInterpolationWithMap(
return temperatureAtReducedIntegrationPoints
[docs] def PreReduceLoading(self, mesh, operatorCompressionData):
Prepares ReduceLoading by setting phiAtReducedIntegPoint
mesh : BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMesh
mesh of the high-fidelity model
operatorCompressionData : dict(str: custom_data_structure)
dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and data structure
generated by the operator compression step as values
if self.phiAtReducedIntegPoint == None:
assert 'reducedIntegrationPoints' in operatorCompressionData,\
"operatorCompressionData must contain a key 'reducedIntegrationPoints'"
from Mordicus.Modules.Safran.FE import FETools as FT
_, phiAtIntegPoint = FT.ComputePhiAtIntegPoint(mesh)
self.phiAtReducedIntegPoint = phiAtIntegPoint.tocsr()[operatorCompressionData["reducedIntegrationPoints"],:]
[docs] def ReduceLoading(self, mesh = None, problemData = None, reducedOrderBases = None, operatorCompressionData = None):
Computes and sets the reduced representation of the loading
mesh : BasicTools.Containers.UnstructuredMesh
mesh of the high-fidelity model
problemData : ProblemData
problemData containing the loading
reducedOrderBases : dict(str: np.ndarray)
dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and reducedOrderBases
(np.ndarray of size (numberOfModes, numberOfDOFs)) as values
operatorCompressionData : dict(str: custom_data_structure)
dictionary with solutionNames (str) as keys and data structure
generated by the operator compression step as values
self.PreReduceLoading(mesh, operatorCompressionData)
self.fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints = {}
for key, field in self.fields.items():
self.fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints[key] = self.phiAtReducedIntegPoint.dot(field)
#def HyperReduceLoading(self, mesh, problemData, reducedOrderBases, operatorCompressionData):
# return
[docs] def ComputeContributionToReducedExternalForces(self, time):
Computes and returns the reduced external forces contribution of the
loading, which is zero for temperature loadings
time : float
# assert type of time
assert isinstance(time, (float, np.float64))
return 0.
[docs] def UpdateLoading(self, loading):
Update the high-dimensional data of the temperature loading, from
another temperature loading
loading : Temperature
self.SetFieldsMap(loading.fieldsMapTimes, loading.fieldsMapValues)
def __getstate__(self):
state = {}
state["solutionName"] = self.solutionName
state["set"] = self.set
state["type"] = self.type
state["fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints"] = self.fieldsAtReducedIntegrationPoints
state["fieldsMapTimes"] = self.fieldsMapTimes
state["fieldsMapValues"] = self.fieldsMapValues
state["phiAtReducedIntegPoint"] = self.phiAtReducedIntegPoint
state["fields"] = {}
for f in self.fields.keys():
state["fields"][f] = None
return state
def __str__(self):
res = "Temperature Loading with set "+self.GetSet()+"\n"
res += "fieldsMapValues : "+str(self.fieldsMapValues)+"\n"
#res += "fields : "+str(self.fields)
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":# pragma: no cover
from Mordicus import RunTestFile