Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Toolbox Manuals feelpp_toolbox_hdg_coupledpoisson(1) HDG coupled poisson application manual feelpp_toolbox_hdg_elasticity(1) HDG elasticity application manual feelpp_toolbox_hdg_poisson(1) HDG Poisson application manual HDG methods for diffusion-reaction HDG theoretical background Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin User Manual HdG toolbox User Manual Benchmarks Examples of 2D Darcy flows We simulate two 2D Darcy flows in a unit square. RED: floating-gate nMOS transistor We simulate the distribution of the electric potential in a nanoscale floating-gate nMOS transistor working in inversion conditions. Cases Darcy flow through a channel We simulate a Darcy flow through a channel with two poorly porous panes.