
On this page, you’ll learn:

  • How to mark up an admonition with AsciiDoc.

  • How to create an admonition with complex content.

1. Admonition styles

An admonition, also known as a notice, helps draw attention to content with a special label or icon. There are five built-in admonition labels.

  • NOTE

  • TIP




2. Basic admonition

If the admonition content is not interrupted by blank lines, start the first line with a style label. The label must be all uppercase and followed by a colon (:) and a single blank space.

Basic admonition syntax
CAUTION: Don't stick forks in electric sockets.

TIP: After someone sticks a fork in a socket, you'll need to reset the circuit in the dark basement.

WARNING: Never go into the basement.

IMPORTANT: A monster lives in the basement.

NOTE: If you go into the basement, see if you can find Kenny's parka.

The result of Basic admonition syntax is displayed below.

Don’t stick forks in electric sockets.
After someone sticks a fork in a socket, you’ll need to reset the circuit in the dark basement.
Never go into the basement.
A monster lives in the basement.
If you go into the basement, see if you can find Kenny’s parka.

3. Complex admonition

If the admonition content includes elements separated by blank lines, place the content in a delimited example block (====). This behavior is referred to as masquerading. Place the appropriate label, in all uppercase, on the block in an attribute list ([]).

Complex admonition syntax
.Optional Title
Use an example block to create an admonition that contains complex content, such as (but not limited to):

* Lists
* Multiple paragraphs
* Source code
* Images

The result of Complex admonition syntax is displayed below.

Optional Title

Use an example block to create an admonition that contains complex content, such as (but not limited to):

  • Lists

  • Multiple paragraphs

  • Source code

  • Images

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