Torsion Bar Benchmarks
1. Introduction
We simulate the torsion of a beam generated by a circular motion at one extremities and fixed to the other side. The material is considered NeoHookean compressible.
3. Outputs
We compute the followig fields:
the process id (domain partitioning)
the displacement of the beam,
the Von-Mises criterium
We monitor also the output VolumeVariation
4. Running the model
The configuration file is in /usr/local/share/feelpp/testcases/CSM/torsionbar/torsionbar.cfg
The command line in feelpp-toolboxes docker or singularity reads
Command line to execute the torsionbar testcase
mpirun -np 4 /usr/local/bin/feelpp_toolbox_solid_3d --config-file torsionbar.cfg
5. Results
5.1. 3D model
In the window below, you can manipulate the 3D model at the final time step.
Click top left button on opengl window to change basic visualisation features |
5.4. Expected performance
The results have been obtained in 868 second by using 24 cores on one node of the Atlas cluster (Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 2.50GHz).