Force Field Maps

1. Axial Forces

Inductances also enables the computation of Axial Forces.

2. Radial Forces and Torques

Forces enables the calculations of forces and torques in case of radial misalignement of magnet axis. Available options are

 --output=STRING          set output filename
 --input=STRING           load input filename
 --save=STRING            save input data to filename
 --rotation=STRING        OxOz angle between z-axis (in deg)
 --translation=STRING     translations between Magnetic Center and Origin
 --grid=STRING            nr nz ntheta grid size
 --verbose                activate verbose mode

3. Connection with CSM software (eg Samcef, Ansys )


 -f, --input_format=INPUT_FORMAT     input mesh format (eg, .dat)
 --density=DOUBLE                specify density (default is nan)
 --verbose                       activate verbose mode
 --mm                            force switch to mm as default units
 --ascii                         ascii write mode for ensight
 --samcef                        Generate Samcef Forces data for Samcef
                                 (default is off)
 --ansys                         Generate Ansys Forces data for Ansys
                                 (default is off)
 --num_integ=INT                 specify num_integ size (default 100)
 --num_eval=INT                  specify num_eval size (default 100)
 --gsl-error-handler             deactivate gsl error handler (default is