3D Insert Thermoelectric Model with HDG method
In this test case we will simulate a full insert.
1. Running the case
As the CAD generation is time consuming, the mesh is provided but will eventually need to be partitionned. However if you ever want to rebuild the CAD and Mesh you will find detailled instructions bellow. Otherwise you can directly skip these sections.
1.1. Create the geometry:
salome -t $HIFIMAGNET/HIFIMAGNET_Cmd.py args:--cfg=HL-31.yaml,--hideIsolant
Beware that creating the geometry from scratch may take a long time. For a 14 Helices insert it takes at least 4 days… |
1.2. Generate the mesh
salome -t $HIFIMAGNET//HIFIMAGNET_Cmd.py args:--insert=HL-31.yaml,--mesh,--groupCoolingChannels
1.3. Partitionning the mesh:
gmsh -0 -bin HL-31.med -o HL-31.msh
feelpp_mesh_partitioner --mesh.scale=0.001 --ifile HL-31.msh [--ofile HL-31_p32] --part 32 --sc.ibc_partitioning=true --sc.ibc_partitioning.marker=<marker> --nochdir
1.4. Running the model (here couplecartmodel):
mpirun -np 32 feelpp_toolbox_hdg_thermoelectric --config-file HL-31-ibc.cfg
The fully coupled problem can only be run so far on Gricad since it requires about 2T Ram. See notes in Appendix section. |
2. Data files
The data files may be retreived from this repository. The mesh files are stored in collection hifimanget/cases/v0.108/HL-31-HDG collection on Unistra Girder