A longitudinaly cooled helix
In this test case we will simulate a longitudinaly cooled helix. We consider only the thermoelectric behaviour of the helix.
1. Running the case
You have 2 choices:
either use HiFiMagnet apps:
mpirun -np 32 feelpp_hfm_coupledcartmodel_3DP1N1 --config-file H1_p_nonlinear.cfg
or use Feel++ thermoelectric toolbox:
mpirun -np 32 feelpp_hfm_thermoelectric --config-file H1-toolbox_nonlinear.cfg
The thermolelectric toolbox example is more in detailed in the toolbox documentation. |
If you want to change the number of procs used, you need to create a proper partition mesh. See the next sections for a detailed guide.
2. Data files
The data files may be retreived from this repository. The mesh files are stored in collection hifimanget/cases/v0.108/HL-31_H1 collection on Unistra Girder