
In this tutorial, we consider a round wire carrying a given current. The geometry will be splitted into 2 parts:

  • the wire, represented by a cylinder,

  • the air region also represented by a cylinder.

The geometry will be designed in Salome.

We will distinct:

  • the plane circles (V0 and V1) on which will be applied some electric potential

  • the cylindrical surface (Bord) on which we will apply some cooling boundary conditions.

and for the air:

  • the plane circles (Sym0 and Sym1) on which will be applied some symetry boundary condition for the magnetostatic problem,

  • the cylindrical surface of the air region (Inf) on which we will apply infinity boundary condition for the magnetostatic problem.

1. Data

The "wire" cylinder is defined by its radius \(R\), its heigth \(H\). The "air" cylinder is defined by its outer radius \(R_{inf}\) and its inner radius \(R\), its heigth \(H\). The cylinders symetry axis are \(Oz\).

Table 1. Geometrical Data

\(R_{inf}\) [ \(m\) ]

R [ \(m\) ]

H [ \(m\) ]




2. Prerequisites

  • Linux OS,

  • Basic knowledge of unix commands,

  • Nvidia Graphic video card,

  • singularity

3. Setup study

  • Start a terminal

  • Create a directory to hold the study

  • Move to the created directory

  • Create an STORAGE environment variable pointing to the directory holding singularity images:

export STORAGE=/home/singularity

4. Create Geometry and a Mesh

  • Start Salome using singularity container:

singularity exec --nv -B /opt/DISTENE:/opt/DISTENE:ro \
  ${STORAGE}/hifimagnet-salome:8.5.0.simg salome
  • Select the GEOM module

  • Create a cylinder for the wire

  • Explode the faces of the cylinder

  • Rename the faces

  • Mark the cylinder object as selected

  • Create a cylinder for the air

  • Switch to the SMESH module

  • Create a Mesh

  • Create 2D Mesh hypothesis with MG-CADSurf

  • Create 3D Mesh hypothesis with MG-Tetra

  • Compute the mesh

  • Create Groups from geometry

  • Export the mesh in MED format

  • Convert MED mesh to GMSH format mesh:

gmsh -0 -bin cylindre.med -o cylindre.msh