Hybrid MPI and OpenMP

1. MPI, OpenMP two complementary parallelization models.

  • MPI is a multi-process model whose mode of communication between the processes is explicit (communication management is the responsibility of the user). MPI is generally used on multiprocessor machines with distributed memory. MPI is a library for passing messages between processes without sharing.

  • OpenMP is a multitasking model whose mode of communication between tasks is implicit (the management of communications is the responsibility of the compiler). OpenMP is used on shared-memory multiprocessor machines. It focuses on shared memory paradigms. It is a language extension for expressing data-parallel operations (usually parallelized arrays over loops).

Note: on a cluster of independent shared-memory multiprocessor machines (nodes), the implementation of a two-level parallelization (MPI, OpenMP) in the same program can be a major advantage for the parallel performance of the code.

2. MPI vs OpenMP comparison

MPI vs. OpenMP

MPI pos

OpenMP pos

Portable to a distributed and shared memory machine.

Scale beyond a node

No data placement issues

Easy to implement parallelism

Implicit communications

Low latency, high bandwidth

Dynamic Load Balancing

MPI negative

OpenMP negative

Explicit communication

High latency, low bandwidth

Difficult load balancing

Only on nodes or shared memory machines

Scale on Node

Data placement problem

Hybrid application programs using MPI + OpenMP are now commonplace on large HPC systems. There are basically two main motivations for this combination of programming models:

1. Reduced memory footprint, both in the application and in the MPI library (eg communication buffers).

2. Improved performance, especially at high core counts where pure MPI scalability runs out.

3. A common hybrid approach

  • From dequential code, alongside MPI first, then try adding OpenMP

  • From MPI code, add OpenMP

  • From OpenMP code, treat as serial code

  • The simplest and least error-prone method is to use MPI outside the parallel region and allow only the master thread to communicate between MPI tasks.

  • Could use MPI in parallel region with thread-safe MPI.