
1. Overview

Mirrors are views that reference data in a possibly different memory space. They are used to access data in a different memory space without copying it.

Mirroring schematic
Kokkos::View<double**, Space> view(...);
auto host_mirror = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(view);
kokkos mirrors schematic

Two views are created: view in the memory space Space and host_mirror in the host memory space. The data are copied back and forth between the two views using the Kokkos::deep_copy function.

2. Mirroring pattern

  1. Create a view in a specific memory space.

Kokkos::View<double**, Space> view(...);
  1. Create a mirror view in the host memory space, host_mirror.

auto host_mirror = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(view);
  1. Populate host_mirror with data (from file, user input, etc.).

  2. Copy data from host_mirror to view using Kokkos::deep_copy.

  3. Perform computations on view:

    RangePolicy<Space>(0, view.extent(0)),
    KOKKOS_LAMBDA(...) { /* use and change view */ }
  1. If nedded, copy data back to host_mirror using Kokkos::deep_copy.

Kokkos::deep_copy(host_mirror, view);
create_mirror_view allocates data only if the host process cannon access view 's data. Otherwise, it returns a view that references the same data as view. The command create_mirror makes always make data allocation.

3. Example

We present the example 04 from the tutorial of Kokkos.

Allocate the matrices and vectors on the device
typedef Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemSpace>   ViewVectorType;
typedef Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemSpace>  ViewMatrixType;
ViewVectorType y( "y", N );
ViewVectorType x( "x", M );
ViewMatrixType A( "A", N, M );

// Create host mirrors of device views.
ViewVectorType::HostMirror h_y = Kokkos::create_mirror_view( y );
ViewVectorType::HostMirror h_x = Kokkos::create_mirror_view( x );
ViewMatrixType::HostMirror h_A = Kokkos::create_mirror_view( A );
Deep copy host views to device views.
Kokkos::deep_copy( y, h_y );
Kokkos::deep_copy( x, h_x );
Kokkos::deep_copy( A, h_A );

Then the code computes the quantity \(\left<y, Ax\right>\).

The full code is present in the file 05_kokkos_mirrors.cpp.

3.1. Performance comparisons

On gaya:

./kokkos_mirros -nrepeat 1000
  Total size S = 4194304 N = 4096 M = 1024
  Computed result for 4096 x 1024 is 4194304.000000
  N( 4096 ) M( 1024 ) nrepeat ( 1000 ) problem( 33.5954 MB ) time( 0.323193 s ) bandwidth( 103.949 GB/s )

On gaya-gpu:

./kokkos_mirros -nrepeat 1000
  Total size S = 4194304 N = 4096 M = 1024
  Computed result for 4096 x 1024 is 4194304.000000
  N( 4096 ) M( 1024 ) nrepeat ( 1000 ) problem( 33.5954 MB ) time( 0.485132 s ) bandwidth( 69.25 GB/s )