cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
add_executable(kokkos_mirror 05_kokkos_mirrors.cpp)
target_link_libraries(kokkos_mirror Kokkos::kokkos)
// ************************************************************************
// Kokkos v. 4.0
// Copyright (2022) National Technology & Engineering
// Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Part of Kokkos, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
void checkSizes(int &N, int &M, int &S, int &nrepeat);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int N = -1; // number of rows 2^12
int M = -1; // number of columns 2^10
int S = -1; // total size 2^22
int nrepeat = 100; // number of repeats of the test
// Read command line arguments.
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-N") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-Rows") == 0)) {
N = pow(2, atoi(argv[++i]));
printf(" User N is %d\n", N);
} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-M") == 0) ||
(strcmp(argv[i], "-Columns") == 0)) {
M = pow(2, atof(argv[++i]));
printf(" User M is %d\n", M);
} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-S") == 0) ||
(strcmp(argv[i], "-Size") == 0)) {
S = pow(2, atof(argv[++i]));
printf(" User S is %d\n", S);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nrepeat") == 0) {
nrepeat = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if ((strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) ||
(strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0)) {
printf(" y^T*A*x Options:\n");
printf(" -Rows (-N) <int>: exponent num, determines number of rows "
"2^num (default: 2^12 = 4096)\n");
printf(" -Columns (-M) <int>: exponent num, determines number of "
"columns 2^num (default: 2^10 = 1024)\n");
printf(" -Size (-S) <int>: exponent num, determines total matrix "
"size 2^num (default: 2^22 = 4096*1024 )\n");
printf(" -nrepeat <int>: number of repetitions (default: 100)\n");
printf(" -help (-h): print this message\n\n");
// Check sizes.
checkSizes(N, M, S, nrepeat);
Kokkos::initialize(argc, argv);
std::cout << "Kokkos::CudaSpace" << std::endl;
#define MemSpace Kokkos::CudaSpace
std::cout << "Kokkos::HIPSpace" << std::endl;
#define MemSpace Kokkos::Experimental::HIPSpace
std::cout << "Kokkos::OpenMPTargetSpace" << std::endl;
#define MemSpace Kokkos::OpenMPTargetSpace
#ifndef MemSpace
std::cout << "Kokkos::HostSpace" << std::endl;
#define MemSpace Kokkos::HostSpace
using ExecSpace = MemSpace::execution_space;
using range_policy = Kokkos::RangePolicy<ExecSpace>;
using Layout = Kokkos::LayoutLeft;
// using Layout = Kokkos::LayoutRight;
// Allocate y, x vectors and Matrix A on device.
typedef Kokkos::View<double *, Layout, MemSpace> ViewVectorType;
typedef Kokkos::View<double **, Layout, MemSpace> ViewMatrixType;
ViewVectorType y("y", N);
ViewVectorType x("x", M);
ViewMatrixType A("A", N, M);
// Create host mirrors of device views.
ViewVectorType::HostMirror h_y = Kokkos::(y);
ViewVectorType::HostMirror h_x = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(x);
ViewMatrixType::HostMirror h_A = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(A);
// Initialize y vector on host.
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
h_y(i) = 1;
// Initialize x vector on host.
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
h_x(i) = 1;
// Initialize A matrix on host.
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
h_A(j, i) = 1;
// Deep copy host views to device views.
Kokkos::deep_copy(y, h_y);
Kokkos::deep_copy(x, h_x);
Kokkos::deep_copy(A, h_A);
// Timer products.
Kokkos::Timer timer;
for (int repeat = 0; repeat < nrepeat; repeat++) {
// Application: <y,Ax> = y^T*A*x
double result = 0;
"yAx", range_policy(0, N),
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int j, double &update) {
double temp2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
temp2 += A(j, i) * x(i);
update += y(j) * temp2;
// Output result.
if (repeat == (nrepeat - 1)) {
printf(" Computed result for %d x %d is %lf\n", N, M, result);
const double solution = (double)N * (double)M;
if (result != solution) {
printf(" Error: result( %lf ) != solution( %lf )\n", result, solution);
// Calculate time.
double time = timer.seconds();
// Calculate bandwidth.
// Each matrix A row (each of length M) is read once.
// The x vector (of length M) is read N times.
// The y vector (of length N) is read once.
// double Gbytes = 1.0e-9 * double( sizeof(double) * ( 2 * M * N + N ) );
double Gbytes = 1.0e-9 * double(sizeof(double) * (M + M * N + N));
// Print results (problem size, time and bandwidth in GB/s).
printf(" N( %d ) M( %d ) nrepeat ( %d ) problem( %g MB ) time( %g s ) "
"bandwidth( %g GB/s )\n",
N, M, nrepeat, Gbytes * 1000, time, Gbytes * nrepeat / time);
return 0;
void checkSizes(int &N, int &M, int &S, int &nrepeat) {
// If S is undefined and N or M is undefined, set S to 2^22 or the bigger of N
// and M.
if (S == -1 && (N == -1 || M == -1)) {
S = pow(2, 22);
if (S < N)
S = N;
if (S < M)
S = M;
// If S is undefined and both N and M are defined, set S = N * M.
if (S == -1)
S = N * M;
// If both N and M are undefined, fix row length to the smaller of S and 2^10
// = 1024.
if (N == -1 && M == -1) {
if (S > 1024) {
M = 1024;
} else {
M = S;
// If only M is undefined, set it.
if (M == -1)
M = S / N;
// If N is undefined, set it.
if (N == -1)
N = S / M;
printf(" Total size S = %d N = %d M = %d\n", S, N, M);
// Check sizes.
if ((S < 0) || (N < 0) || (M < 0) || (nrepeat < 0)) {
printf(" Sizes must be greater than 0.\n");
if ((N * M) != S) {
printf(" N * M != S\n");