MPI Coding Practice
Compiling a program for MPI is almost just like compiling a regular C or C++ program
The C compiler is mpicc and the C compiler is mpic.
For example, to compile MyProg.c you would use a command like
mpicc - O2 -o MyProg MyProg.c
Test compile C++
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
return 0;
1. List of programms
Code Demo -
MPI_Allgather MPI_Allreduce MPI_Alltoall MPI_Barrier MPI_Bcast MPI_BSend MPI_Buffer_attach MPI_Buffer_detach MPI_Comm_spawn MPI_Comm_split MPI_Exscan MPI_File_close MPI_File_open MPI_File MPI_Gather MPI_Graph_get MPI_Graph_neigbors_count MPI_Graph_neigbors MPI_Graphdims_get MPI_lallgather MPI_lallreduce MPI_lalltoall MPI_lbarrier MPI-lbcast MPI_lbsend MPI_lreduce MPI_lreduce_scatter MPI_lreduce_scatter_block MPI_lresend MPI_lscatterv MPI_lssend