Ktirio Library

1. Overview

The Ktirio Library is a powerful toolkit designed for advanced geometric processing
In our collaborative development environment, multiple team members work on separate projects within the same GitHub repository. To ensure organized and efficient development, we follow a structured workflow involving issues, branches, and pull requests (PRs). For every new functionalities added we tried to add test to ensure the stability of the library

2. Added

The Ktirio Library has seen several enhancements and new features added. Here is a summary of the addition made during this internship:

  • MultipleBuilding Class: The MultipleBuilding class provides a comprehensive set of methods for creating and processing building models. It includes functionality for triangulating base polygons, extruding walls, adding floors, generating roofs, and more.

  • Converter of Mesh to CGAL Polyhedron: This feature allows for the conversion of meshes into CGAL polyhedra, facilitating advanced geometric operations and analysis using CGAL’s robust algorithms.

  • 3D Volume Meshing from Surface Mesh: This feature is essential for applications that require detailed volumetric data.

3. Test

Testing is a critical part of the development process. This is the test implemented for the new functionalities added to the ktirio library: