In this subsection, we will review the configuration of all parameters used to calculate the view factors and solve the heat equation through radiative transfer
1. Triangular cavity
Parameters used in the first geometry: Case : Triangular Cavity:
{ "Name": "Triangular cavity 2D RHT", "ShortName": "triangle2d", "Models": { "heat": { "name": "heat", "materials": [ "Rectangle1", "Rectangle2", "Rectangle3", "Insulation1", "Insulation2", "Insulation3", "Insulation11", "Insulation21", "Insulation31" ] } }, "Parameters": { "sigma": 5.67e-8, // W⋅m-2⋅K−4 "Tinit_C":350, "Tref_C":0 }, "Meshes": { "heat": { "Import": { "filename": "$cfgdir/triangular_cavity.geo" } } }, "Materials": { "Rectangle1": { "k": "400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Rectangle2": { "k": "400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Rectangle3": { "k": "400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation1": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation2": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation3": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation11": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation21": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation31": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 } }, "Coating":{ "Rectangle1": { "markers": [ "RadiativeSurface1" ], "epsilon": "0.4" // 0.4 }, "Rectangle2": { "markers": [ "RadiativeSurface2" ], "epsilon": "0.6" // 0.6 }, "Rectangle3": { "markers": [ "RadiativeSurface3" ], "epsilon": "0.8" // 0.8 } }, "InitialConditions": { "heat": { "temperature": { "Expression": { "Tini": { "markers":["Rectangle1", "Rectangle2", "Rectangle3", "Insulation1", "Insulation2", "Insulation3", "Insulation11", "Insulation21", "Insulation31"], "expr":"Tinit_C:Tinit_C" } } } } }, "BoundaryConditions": { "heat": { "flux": { "FixedQ3": { "expr": "-1000" }, "FixedQ2": { "expr": "-2000" } }, "temperature": { "Fixed_T":{ "expr":"+300" } }, "radiative_enclosure_heat_flux": { "Cavity_1": { "enclosure": "closed", "markers": ["RadiativeSurface1", "RadiativeSurface2","RadiativeSurface3"], "sigma": "sigma:sigma", "viewfactors": { "status": "compute", "filename":"$cfgdir/triangular_cavity_vf.json" } } } } }, "Checker": { "RadiativeSurface1_q": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface1"], "quantity":"flux-from-temperature", "exact_value":-2750,// 11000/L1 = 11000/4 = 2750, "rel_tolerance":0.1 }, "RadiativeSurface2_T": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface2"], "quantity":"temperature", "exact_value":641, "rel_tolerance":0.1 }, "RadiativeSurface3_q": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface3"], "quantity":"temperature", "exact_value":600, "rel_tolerance":0.1 } } }
2. Rectangular cavity
Parameters used in the second geometry: Case : Rectangular Cavity:
{ "Name": "Rectangular cavity 2D RHT", "ShortName": "rectangle2d", "Models": { "heat": { "name": "heat", "materials": [ "Rectangle1", "Rectangle2", "Rectangle3", "Rectangle4", "Insulation1", "Insulation2", "Insulation3", "Insulation4", "Insulation5", "Insulation6", "Insulation7", "Insulation8" ] } }, "Parameters": { "sigma": 5.67e-8, // W⋅m-2⋅K−4 "Tinit_C":1700 }, "Meshes": { "heat": { "Import": { "filename": "$cfgdir/rectangular_cavity.geo" } } }, "Materials": { "Rectangle1": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Rectangle2": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Rectangle3": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Rectangle4": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation1": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation2": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation3": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation4": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation5": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation6": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation7": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "Insulation8": { "k": "0.01", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 } }, "Coating":{ "Top": { "markers": [ "RadiativeSurface3" ], "epsilon": "0.5" }, "Bottom": { "markers": [ "RadiativeSurface1" ], "epsilon": "0.5" }, "LeftRight": { "markers": [ "RadiativeSurface2","RadiativeSurface4" ], "epsilon": "0.5" } }, "InitialConditions": { "heat": { "temperature": { "Expression": { "Tini": { "markers":["Rectangle1", "Rectangle2", "Rectangle3", "Rectangle4", "Insulation1", "Insulation2", "Insulation3", "Insulation4", "Insulation5", "Insulation6", "Insulation7", "Insulation8"], "expr":"Tinit_C:Tinit_C" } } } } }, "BoundaryConditions": { "heat": { "temperature": { "ExternalSurface3":{ "expr":"1400" }, "ExternalSurface1":{ "expr":"600" }, "ExternalSurface4":{ "expr":"1700" }, "ExternalSurface2":{ "expr":"1700" } }, "radiative_enclosure_heat_flux": { "Cavity_1": { "enclosure": "closed", "markers": ["RadiativeSurface1", "RadiativeSurface2","RadiativeSurface3","RadiativeSurface4"], "sigma": "sigma:sigma", "viewfactors": { // "status":"load", // "filename":"$cfgdir/VF_Matrix_Cavity_1.csv" "status":"compute", "filename":"$cfgdir/rectangular_cavity_vf.json" } } } } }, "Checker": { "RadiativeSurface3_q": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface3"], "quantity":"flux-from-temperature", "exact_value":-35767, "rel_tolerance":0.1 }, "RadiativeSurface1_q": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface1"], "quantity":"flux-from-temperature", "exact_value":-159040, "rel_tolerance":0.1 }, "RadiativeSurface4_q": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface4"], "quantity":"flux-from-temperature", "exact_value":97403, "rel_tolerance":0.1 }, "RadiativeSurface2_q": { "type":"average", "markers":["RadiativeSurface2"], "quantity":"flux-from-temperature", "exact_value":97403, "rel_tolerance":0.1 } } }
3. Cylindrical cavity
Parameters used in the third geometry: Case : Cylindrical Cavity:
{ "Name": "Cylindrical cavity 3D RHT", "ShortName": "cylinder3d", "Models": { "heat": { "name": "heat", "materials": [ "LateralVolume","MaterialTop","MaterialBottom","InsulationBottom","InsulationTop","InsulationL1","InsulationL2" ] } }, "Parameters": { "sigma": 5.67e-8, // W⋅m-2⋅K−4 "Tinit_C":500 }, "Meshes": { "heat": { "Import": { "filename": "$cfgdir/cylindrical_cavity.geo" } } }, "Materials": { "LateralVolume": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "MaterialTop": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "MaterialBottom": { "k": "1400", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "InsulationBottom": { "k": "0.001", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "InsulationTop": { "k": "0.001", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "InsulationL2": { "k": "0.001", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 }, "InsulationL1": { "k": "0.001", // W/(m⋅K) "Cp": "0", // J/(kg⋅K) "rho": "8700" // kg/m3 } }, "Coating":{ "Top": { "markers": ["CavityTop"], "epsilon": "0.5" }, "Bottom": { "markers": ["CavityBottom"], "epsilon": "0.5" }, "Side": { "markers": ["CavitySide"], "epsilon": "0.5" } }, "InitialConditions": { "heat": { "temperature": { "Expression": { "Tini": { "markers":["MaterialTop","LateralVolume","MaterialBottom","InsulationBottom","InsulationTop","InsulationL1","InsulationL2"], "expr":"Tinit_C:Tinit_C" } } } } }, "BoundaryConditions": { "heat": { "temperature":{ "ExternalBoundaryBottom":{ "expr":"500" }, "ExternalBoundaryLateral":{ "expr":"500" }, "ExternalBoundaryTop":{ "expr":"500" } }, "radiative_enclosure_heat_flux": { "Cavity": { "enclosure": "closed",// the cavity is treated as closed since there is no black body exchanges in this test "markers": ["CavityTop", "CavityBottom","CavitySide"], "sigma": "sigma:sigma", "viewfactors": { // "status":"compute", // "filename":"$cfgdir/cylindrical_cavity_vf.json" "status":"load", "filename":"$cfgdir/VF_Matrix_Cavity.csv" } } } } }, "Checker": { "RadiativeSurface1_q": { "type":"average", "markers": ["CavityTop","CavitySide","CavityBottom"], "quantity":"flux-from-temperature", "exact_value":88.5937, // 1/40 * sigma * Tini^4 "rel_tolerance":0.1 } } }