Test implemented

To ensure the robustness of our code we implemented different test, for my part I implemented three of them:

  • Mesh check

The objective of the Surface Mesh Check is to verify the properties of the mesh.

In this test we create a cube with ktirio class to ensure the mesh is closed,triangulated, correctly oriented,connected and do not self intersect. After that we simply verify that our function checkProperties consistenly return true validing the mesh properties.

  • Point Set test

The Point Set test was designed to verify the functionality of the PointSet class.

In this test we create a triangle with ktirio class to check if the constructor from a mesh function correctly,I also examined if the getter and setter work as expected. After that we test the different main function of our main such as remesh and gridSimplify, we check if the number of point correctly increase after remesh and correctly decrease after gridSimplify.

  • KSR test

The KSR Test aimed to verify the proper functioning of the KSR algorithm.

In this test we create a cube with a missing section of a face, this cube then processed through KSR algorithm After processing, I checked that the mesh was closed.The cube was put through the same workflow used in our main application to ensure consistency and reliability.