Main objectives

The primary objective of this internship was to enhance the terrain mesh generation process for the Ktirio Urban Building application, a crucial component of the PEPR Numpex Exa-MA project. This work is essential for improving the precision and efficiency of 3D geometric reconstruction in urban energy simulations.

The specific goals of this internship included:

1. Source elevation data from Mapbox: Obtain and integrate accurate elevation data using the Mapbox Terrain-RGB v1 API. This data serves as the foundation for generating detailed and realistic terrain meshes, ensuring that the model accurately reflects the geographical and topographical features of the area of interest.

2. Reduce mesh density with contour line constraints: Develop and implement methods to generate terrain meshes that are constrained to contour lines. This approach aims to reduce mesh density, particularly in flat or nearly flat areas, by focusing computational resources on areas of significant topographic change. The goal is to optimize the mesh size without sacrificing precision or introducing significant distortion.

3. Parallelize for multithreading: Enhance the performance of the terrain mesh generation process by implementing multithreading strategies. This involves parallelizing computational tasks to leverage multiple cores effectively, thereby reducing computation time and enabling the processing of larger areas.

Beyond these primary objectives, a larger goal was to recreate a faithful 3D model of an urban environment, enabling accurate energy simulations, such as solar mask calculations:

4. Recreate a comprehensive urban model: The ultimate aim is to integrate various urban elements, such as buildings and vegetation, into the terrain meshes to develop a detailed 3D model of the urban landscape. While my colleagues contributed by focusing on specific components—some working on the vegetation elements and others on the building models—the integration process will ensure that all these elements combine seamlessly.
