This methodology outlines the steps involved in calculating view factors using a ray tracing approach, as implemented in the provided C++ code. The process involves several key phases, including initializing the simulation parameters, generating random rays, computing intersections, and aggregating results.
1. Different Steps for Constructing an Algorithm for Computation
To calculate view factors in this case, we need to create:
bvh.hpp: Constructs the BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) method and all configurations.
raytracingviewfactor.hpp: Generates random rays according to the laws associated with the problem.
viewfactorbase.hpp: Computes the deviation from reciprocity and stores the view factor matrix.
KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor.hpp: Manages extensive calculations and stores the results efficiently without duplication.
unobstructedplanarviewfactor.hpp: Implements the method to calculate view factors when surfaces see each other unobstructed