Surface Mesh Quality Check
In this section, we describe the quality checks performed on the surface mesh to ensure its accuracy and integrity. These checks are crucial for validating the mesh before it is used in further processes or analyses.
1. Quality Check Process
All surface mesh quality checks are conducted after converting the mesh into a CGAL surface mesh. This conversion is necessary to use the robust tools and algorithms provided by CGAL for mesh analysis and validation.
1.1. Properties Checked
The following properties are checked during the surface mesh quality assessment:
Mesh is triangulated: This ensures that the mesh consists of only triangular elements. Triangular meshes are preferred because they simplify many computational processes and are widely supported by various mesh processing tools.
Mesh doesn’t self intersect: The mesh is examined to ensure that it does not contain any self-intersections. Self-intersecting meshes can lead to significant problems in simulations and analyses, as they represent physically impossible geometries.
Mesh is closed: A closed mesh means that there are no holes or gaps in the mesh. This is important for creating a valid 3D volume, as any openings could lead to inaccuracies in volume calculations and other analyses.
Mesh is outward oriented: The orientation of the mesh is checked to confirm that all normals point outward. Correct orientation is essential in the building creation process.
Ensuring these properties helps maintain the quality and usability of the surface mesh, allowing for more reliable results in subsequent analyses and applications.