
This project is part of a series conducted within the exa-MA project, which is a segment of the Numpex project section. My colleagues and I worked on the following projects:

  • Exa-MA WP1 - Vegetation

  • Exa-MA WP1 - Terrain

  • Exa-MA WP1 - Urban Building LOD-1

  • Exa-MA WP1 - Urban Building LOD-2 and Kinetic

  • Exa-MA WP1 - Performance and Scalability

Which are all part of the WP1 (Work Package 1) focused on discretization for the exa-MA project.

exama overview
Figure 1. Overview of the exa-MA project (Source)

These projects are conducted within the Hidalgo2 initiative, which "aims to explore synergies between modeling, data acquisition, simulation, data analysis, and visualization along with achieving better scalability on current and future HPC and AI infrastructures to deliver highly-scalable solutions that can effectively utilize pre-exascale systems."

Specifically focusing on the Urban Building Model Use Case (UBM) , which is "developing the Urban Building pilot application to improve building energy efficiency and indoor air quality", this particular project aims to integrate vegetation, particularly trees, into 3D models of urban environments.

The projects are conducted within the Cemosis (Center for Modeling and Simulation in Strasbourg), which is hosted by the IRMA (Institute for Advanced Mathematical Research) at Strasbourg University. We operated as students under the supervision of Vincent Chabannes, research engineer at IRMA, Pierre Alliez, senior researcher and team leader at Inria Sophia Antipolis, and Christophe Prud’homme, professor in applied mathematics at Strasbourg University.
