Ray Tracing
A ray tracer is software that allows the visualization of a 3D modeled scene based on the theory of inverse geometric optics. The objective is to launch rays from a point of observation (a camera) and follow the inverse optical path of this ray. When there is an intersection between the ray and an object in the environment, a shading calculation determines if the intersected object is illuminated by a light source and evaluates the color that it will reflect and transmit towards the point of observation.
1. The Equation of a Ray
A ray $\vec{r}_{\text {my }}$ is a structure with an origin $\vec{r}_0$ and a direction $\vec{v}$. It allows for the calculation of intersections with geometric shapes in a scene. A time parameter $t$ is used to chronologically order the ray’s intersections with objects in the scene.
A ray parameterized over time has the following form:
$ \vec{r}_{\text {ray }}$ : Coordinate hit by the ray after a time $t$.
$\vec{r}_0:$ Origin of the ray.
$\bar{v}$ : Direction of the ray $(\|\bar{v}\|=1$, unit vector $)$.
$t$ : Time elapsed in the ray’s movement.
In computing, the definition of a ray will need the following variables:
Ray Geometry | Information on the intersected geometry |
Origin position of the ray (\(\bar{r}_0\)) Direction of the ray (\(\bar{v}\)) |
The time \(t\) to intercept the geometry. The normal to the surface \(\bar{n}\) at the interception site. A texture coordinate \(uv\) (if any). Reference to the material applied on the geometry (e.g., to obtain the color of the geometry). |
In this part of the code, we define the components of a ray
template <int RealDim> class BVHRay { public: using vec_t = eigen_vector_type<RealDim>; BVHRay(vec_t const& orig, vec_t const& dir, double dmin = 0, double dmax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ) : M_origin( orig ), M_dir( dir ), M_distanceMin( dmin ), M_distanceMax( dmax ) {} BVHRay() : BVHRay(vec_t::Zero(),vec_t::Zero()) {} BVHRay( BVHRay const& ) = default; BVHRay( BVHRay &&) = default; BVHRay& operator=( BVHRay && ) = default; BVHRay& operator=( BVHRay const& ) = default; vec_t const& origin() const noexcept { return M_origin; } vec_t const& dir() const noexcept { return M_dir; } double distanceMin() const { return M_distanceMin; } double distanceMax() const { return M_distanceMax; } private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template <class Archive> void serialize( Archive& ar, const unsigned int version ) { ar & M_origin; ar & M_dir; ar & M_distanceMin; ar & M_distanceMax; } private: vec_t M_origin, M_dir; // ray origin and dir double M_distanceMin, M_distanceMax; };
2. Ray-sphere intersection
Condition I:point is on ray
Condition 2: point is on sphere
Let be a sphere of radius r, the ray intersects the sphere so
this is a quadratic equation in $t$
Solution for $t$ by quadratic formula:
simpler form holds when $\mathbf{d}$ is a unit vector.
For more explanation, see here.
In this method of template intersect we compute intersection with a ray from the BVH built and return a vector of intersection result
template<typename... Ts> auto intersect( Ts && ... v ) { auto args = NA::make_arguments( std::forward<Ts>(v)... ); auto && ray = args.get(_ray); bool useRobustTraversal = args.get_else(_robust,true); IntersectContext ctx = args.get_else(_context,IntersectContext::closest); bool parallel = args.get_else(_parallel,this->worldComm().size() > 1); bool closestOnly = ctx == IntersectContext::closest; using napp_ray_type = std::decay_t<decltype(ray)>; if constexpr( std::is_same_v<BVHRaysDistributed<nRealDim>,napp_ray_type> ) // case rays distributed on process { // WARNING: this algo is not good (all_gather of rays then all run bvh), just a quick version for test auto const& localRays = ray.rays(); std::vector<int> resLocalSize( this->worldComm().size() ); mpi::all_gather( this->worldComm(), (int)localRays.size(), resLocalSize ); std::vector<ray_type> raysGathered; if ( this->worldComm().isMasterRank() ) { int gatherRaySize = std::accumulate( resLocalSize.begin(), resLocalSize.end(), 0 ); raysGathered.resize( gatherRaySize ); } mpi::gatherv( this->worldComm(), localRays, raysGathered.data(), resLocalSize, this->worldComm().masterRank() ); mpi::broadcast( this->worldComm(), raysGathered, this->worldComm().masterRank() ); auto intersectGlobal = this->intersect(_ray=raysGathered,_robust=useRobustTraversal,_context=ctx,_parallel=true); std::vector<std::vector<rayintersection_result_type>> res; res.resize( ray.numberOfLocalRay() ); std::size_t startRayIndexInThisProcess = 0; for ( int p=0;p<this->worldComm().rank();++p ) startRayIndexInThisProcess += resLocalSize[p]; std::copy_n(intersectGlobal.cbegin()+startRayIndexInThisProcess, localRays.size(), res.begin()); return res; } else if constexpr ( is_iterable_v<std::decay_t<decltype(ray)>> ) // case rays container are identical all on process (TODO: internal case) { std::vector<std::vector<rayintersection_result_type>> resSeq; resSeq.reserve( ray.size() ); for ( auto const& currentRay : ray ) { auto currentResSeq = this->intersectSequential( currentRay,useRobustTraversal ); if ( closestOnly && currentResSeq.size() > 1 ) currentResSeq.resize(1); resSeq.push_back( std::move( currentResSeq ) ); } if ( !parallel ) return resSeq; mpi::all_reduce( this->worldComm(), mpi::inplace( resSeq ), [](auto const& x, auto const& y) -> std::vector<std::vector<rayintersection_result_type>> { std::size_t retSize = x.size(); std::vector<std::vector<rayintersection_result_type>> ret; DCHECK( x.size() == y.size() ) << "not same size x:" << x.size() << " y:" << y.size(); ret.reserve( retSize ); for ( int k = 0; k < retSize ; ++k ) { auto const& a = x[k]; auto const& b = y[k]; if ( a.empty() ) ret.push_back( b ); else if ( b.empty() ) ret.push_back( a ); else { // WARNING only return one intersection (closest or anyhint) if ( a.front().distance() < b.front().distance() ) ret.push_back( a ); else ret.push_back( b ); } } return ret; } ); return resSeq; } else // only one ray (all process should have the same ray if parallel=true) { auto resSeq = this->intersectSequential( ray,useRobustTraversal ); if ( closestOnly && resSeq.size() > 1 ) resSeq.resize(1); if ( !parallel ) return resSeq; } }