User Guide

You can specify your area of interest and other configuration in the config.json file at the root of the project :

  "bbox": "48.5748, 7.7383,48.5918, 7.7610",
  "LOD": 0,
  "default_height_range": [0, 0],
  "input_building_mesh": "mesh_lod1.msh",
  "output_name": "stras_city_flat_autorefineOFF_asyncON",
  "output_format": "msh",
  "verbose": false,
  "autorefine": false


  • bbox is the bounding box of the area of interest

  • LOD is the level of detail of the vegetation mesh

  • default_height_range is the default height range of the vegetation if this data is not available

  • input_building_mesh is the path to the building/terrain mesh

  • output_name is the name of the output file

  • output_format is the format of the output file

  • verbose is a boolean to enable verbose mode

  • autorefine is a boolean to enable autorefine mode to remove intersecting vegetation

1. Compilation

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

2. Execution

  • You need to have the terrain mesh at the root of the project

  • You need to have the metadata about the terrain mesh gis.jon at the root of the project so the program can extract the reference coordinates.

./build/src/applications/ktirio_geom_app_vegetation config.json

3. Output

Outputs are saved in the output folder at the root of the project. (folder is created automatically if needed)

4. Notes

Some bounding boxes that you can try out:

  • Strasbourg, Contades : 48.58915,7.75564,48.59187,7.76079

  • Strasbourg, Republique : 48.58677,7.75271,48.58768,7.75540

  • Strasbourg city center : 48.5748, 7.7383,48.5918, 7.7610

  • Grenoble city center : 45.1893, 5.7181,45.1992, 5.7272