
We have three test cases that we will discuss and analyze individually:

1. Case : Triangular Cavity

The geometry consists of three rectangles made of highly conductive material, mutually isolated by small regions of thermal insulator at the corners of the cavity. In this case, we will study a triangular cavity formed by three rectangles faces and six insulators to calculate the view factor. The cavity is created using the Gmsh program, through a file named 'triangular_cavity.geo'. This file contains algorithms for generating the geometry, and the code will calculate the view factor without any obstacles in this case.

Figure 1. Geometry of the triangular cavity

The triangular_cavity_vf.json file is an essential part of the input data, containing a set of information needed to calculate the view factor.

"viewfactor": {
    "type": "UnobstructedPlanar",
    "markers":["RadiativeSurface1", "RadiativeSurface2","RadiativeSurface3"],
    "description": "The viewfactor of a closed triangular cavity."

2. Case : Rectangular Cavity

The geometry consists of four rectangles made from highly conductive material. They are separated by small regions of thermal insulator at the corners of the cavity. In this case, there are no obstacles. The folder Rectangular_cavity contains all the configurations needed to calculate the view factor.

Figure 2. Geometry of the rectangular cavity

The cylindrical_cavity_vf.json file is also an important part of the input data, containing a set of information needed to calculate the view factor for a cylindrical cavity.

"viewfactor": {
    "type": "UnobstructedPlanar",
    "markers":["RadiativeSurface1", "RadiativeSurface2","RadiativeSurface3","RadiativeSurface4"],
    "description": "The viewfactor of a closed rectangular cavity."

3. Case : Cylindrical Cavity

The geometry consists of three cylinders/annuli made of highly conductive material. They are mutually isolated by small regions of thermal insulator at the corners of the cavity. In this case, there are no obstacles. The folder cylindrical_cavity contains all the configurations and information needed to create this geometry and calculate the view factor

Figure 3. Geometry of the cylindrical cavity

The rectangular_cavity_vf.json file is also an important part of the input data, containing a set of information needed to calculate the view factor for a rectangular cavity.

 "viewfactor": {
     "type": "UnobstructedPlanar",
     "markers": ["CavityTop", "CavityBottom","CavitySide"],
     "description": "The viewfactor of a cylindrical cavity."