Core Software and Data
1. Software
Paraview : Paraview is an open-source data analysis and visualization application. It allows users to visualize large data sets in a 3D environment.
GMSH : GMSH is a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator.
VScode : Visual Studio Code (VScode) is a powerful and lightweight source code editor with a rich ecosystem of extensions for differents programming languages and tools
github : GitHub is a web-based platform used for version control and collaborative software development.Allowing multiple developers to work on projects simultaneously.
Meshlab : MeshLab is an open-source system for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes
2. Data
Both following mesh had been given by Vincent Chabannes
Three_zones.stl |
Three_zones.msh |
Jasmin.stl |
Jasmin.msh |
Other mesh are hand-made with gmsh.
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