Generating a Representation of Geometric View Factors for Radiative Thermal Simulation




Intern : Chahid Rahouti (Master 1 CSMI -
Advisors : Prud’homme Christophe

1. Introduction

In this section, we will provide a comprehensive overview of our project to ensure a deep and progressive understanding of the subject. This concise introduction will cover a general overview of our project, the context of the work, an examination of the main objectives, and an overview of the relevant information on the topic

2. Methodolgy

This methodology outlines the steps involved in calculating view factors using a ray tracing approach, as implemented in the provided C++ code. The process involves several key phases, including initializing the simulation parameters, generating random rays, computing intersections, and aggregating results.

3. Computational Ingredients

In this section, we will discuss all the computational ingredients used in this project and briefly explain each one. Using these computational ingredients, we can construct an algorithm to calculate view factors.

4. Implementation

In this section, we will provide commentary on the building and execution of this code. Additionally, we will discuss the algorithms used in this construction. Moreover, we will present a test of different geometries to calculate their view factors

5. Results

In this section, we will discuss the results of each case and calculate the error by comparing the values obtained with the exact values for each pair of faces in the geometry. Therefore, we will apply heat transfer radiation analysis in all these cases

6. Conclusion


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