Categorie |
Parameters |
Description |
Default Value |
execution details |
--verbose |
may slow the execution,more details would be prompt on the execution |
false |
--debug |
Export intermediate results for inspection |
false |
--imput.mesh.filename |
file name of the input mesh |
None |
--input.mesh.format |
ASCII or binary |
auto |
--output.mesh.filename |
file name of the output mesh |
mesh.stl |
--output.mesh.format |
ASCII or binary |
auto |
--ply.file |
if input files is ply, skip pre-processing and labeling |
false |
--with.normal |
if your ply file has normal associated |
true |
--autorefine |
enable autorefine polygon soup |
false |
| |
write a files with the point cloud generated |
false |
PointSet Generation |
--cell.size |
parameters for the size of the cell countaining a single point, use to densified or un densified a mesh |
0.04 |
--edge.size |
Size of the distance between 2 points during the isotropic remeshing |
0.04 |
Shape Detection |
--k.neighbors |
number of neighbors of the points |
12 |
--min.region.size |
minimum number of point in a detected shape for KSR |
0 (default_value is calculated during execution) |
--maximum.distance |
maximum distance between two points of the same shape |
0 (default_value is calculated during execution) |
--maximum.angle |
maximum angle deviation of a segment from its initial orientation |
10 |
Shape Regularization |
--regparallel |
segments, which are detected as near parallel, are made exactly parallel. |
false |
--regcoplanar |
segments, which are detected as near collinear, are made exactly collinear |
true |
--regorthogonal |
segments, which are detected as near orthogonal, are made exactly orthogonal. |
false |
--regsymmetric |
segments, which are detected as near symetric, are made exactly symetric. |
false |
--angle.tolerance |
maximum angle deviation of a segment from its initial orientation |
5 |
--maximum.offset |
offset |
0 |
Kinetic Space partition |
--k.intersections |
Maximum number of intersections for a polygon |
1 |
--enlarge.bbox.ratio |
Avoid coplanarity between shape detected and bounding box |
11.0 / 10.0 |
--reorient |
Orient the x-asis of the bounding box |
false |
Reconstruction |
--use.ground |
Use ground of ur mesh or not during the Reconstruction |
false |
--graphcut.beta |
parameters between 0 and 1, trade data faithfullness for low complexity . |
0.5 |
You can find more details on the parameters for shape detection [1],shape Regularization [2] , Kinetic Space partition [3] and Reconstruction [4] on CGAL documentation