To conclude this project, we successfully extended the compatibility of the Kinetic Surface Reconstruction package to include STL and MSH formats, despite not having access to all the tools we initially desired. We managed to improve the outcomes and performance from earlier in the year. The retrieval of markers from the mesh was a success, although the metric concept to ensure the quality of the mesh could be improved. While it is easy to check the properties of a mesh, verifying the correspondence remains challenging. One regret is that we could not perform simulations with Feel++ as our generated mesh is a surface mesh and not a volumetric mesh.
From a personal perspective, I have learned a lot about coding and researching unknown libraries, as well as adapting code to ensure uniformity within a team. Additionally, I have come to understand the importance of having multiple viewpoints on an issue. Working alone most of the time made it difficult to find new perspectives and unexpected solutions. Furthermore, I realized the importance of communication within a team. Some issues encountered during the project could have been avoided with better communication.
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